
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

September 14, 2012

Euphoria Interrupted

           With 1) a police state established in Chicago, maintaining law and order while schools there are shut down over bizarre internal Democratic Party politics, and local communities everywhere threatened with more of the same if this one goes really nuts, 2)  a nationwide un/underemployment rate at least approaching 40% that has held for 3 or 4 years and counting, 3)  1% of the country’s population methodically pilfering savings the other 99% hold in common stock, pocketing all of their starting capital every thirty years or so, 4)  a Muslim-reared President from Indonesia, Kenya, Mars, Hawaii, Uranus - you pick it - running things with this awful, White-hating, media-embarassment of a First Lady who won't show us her term paper, or whatever it was she turned in but not to us, 5) an obstructionist rural Christian opposition in Congress refusing to work with the ghetto community activist jerk and, 6)  an equally repugnant offshore money-stashing rival candidate out of the job-outsourcing, asset-toxifying, insider-trading, mark-to-market abusing hedge fund Crime Families running against, well himself mostly, it seems lately, and, lastly, 7)  this Looney-Tunes central banker just yesterday announcing he’s going to inflate the Nation into a Roadrunner cartoon catastrophe, safe dropping on our heads from the sky and all .... with all this in mind and more, much, much more .... MacDougal Post subscribers must be wondering how they came to be living amidst such hopelessness inside what is now an impoverished third-world country, and, more importantly, you guys have to be asking where the silver lining is for investors.

           We do too.  If anybody spots one, kindly let Mr. Irving know.