
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

February 28, 2015

The Fed’s Changing Role in Monetary Policy

     Functionaries at the Federal Reserve System (Fed) used to fiddle with the nation’s money supply to keep numbers for inflation and unemployment in line with preconceived notions - basically, what fellow economists thought the data should be.  Administration functionaries were already fiddling with those very same numbers before the fraudulent statistics even got published for the Fed functionaries to see, so, like Ancient Rome, with all that fiddling the economy often burned down.

     Lately, Fed functionaries have been fiddling with the country’s Treasury Bond, Note, and Bill supply to keep returns from investments made by the 1% in line with the gargantuan demands one would expect from racketeers skimming massive amounts of savings into their own pockets through what a complicit financial press labels “stock options”, but what are really your stolen ownership interests in corporate America, and mine.

     CEO’s and them are pulling off the most successful heist in the history of crime, and with 34 years of plunder in their wealth management accounts, nothing less than the massive resources of our Central Bank can begin to help them squeeze every last ounce of illicit profit out of what used to be our money before they went ahead and took it.

     If you’re a retiree, or a proverbial widow or orphan, and you need a stable flow of risk-free income, forget it.  The new 1% want capital gains, so the Fed is giving that to them at your expense, buying up all the Treasury debt it needs to throw interest rates under the bus and utterly destroy your sector of what isn’t a free market anymore.

     And wrecking the free market’s way of holding failed politicians responsible for the wild-spending catastrophe they have wrought upon us, kicking the evil can of market turbulence down the road to be suffered by your progeny at some horrific future date, or – God help us – sooner while you’re still around to take yet another kick in those long-suffering financial cojones of yours.

     That, valued subscribers, is the Fed's role in monetary policy today.