
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

February 9, 2015

Truth in Government

     "I'm the Finance Minister of a bankrupt country", Yanis Varoufakis told a German interviewer recently, and politicians across the globe went nuts.  Near as we can tell, nobody now in power anywhere else has ever come remotely close to telling things as they are before.  Being honest rather than dreaming up all manner of QE M2 fiat sovereign velocity foreign exchange budget deficit trade deficit gobbledegook to launder the consequences of reckless spending must irk the liars running our world no end.

     In response to a flow of words like that out of Greece, according to one account we've run across anyway, global leaders - and their bully boys in a complicit media propaganda machine - have taken to accusing the entire newly elected regime there of radicalism, labelling them inexperienced dunderheads spouting "immature rhetoric more suited to young students than the serious business of governing".

     The article goes on to point out that Italy, Portugal, Ireland, Spain, and France - as well as the UK, Japan and the US - find themselves in similarly dire financial straights, and pundits everywhere have been looking for the collapse of the European Union and its long-lambasted Euro as a result.  That's the real reason why the Greeks are under attack.

     On top of all this, we're suddenly being told that world leaders are waging a 1930's style currency war, with scurrilous heads of state trying to drive their own foreign exchange rates down to bolster exports in what has become a floundering global economy.  And that the Moron-in-Chief in Washington is letting them, crippling the reported earnings of our multinational corporations of late.  (On that point, note that under these conditions US Dollar investments overseas are akin to scooping up great stuff in a fire sale - in the end our multinationals will come out way ahead of the game.)

     Factoring that in, your MacDougal Post staff continues to conclude that everyone everywhere belongs in jail - except, of course, these new Greeks.