
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

February 12, 2015

Injustice Department Flaunts Nonsensical Way to Keep Bankers out of Jail Once Again

     Enabling a white collar crime wave that brings unfathomable wealth to all who maneuver themselves anywhere near its blatant sphere of racketeering, the United States Injustice Department and corrupt politicians with a hand in running it have been pulling down staggering bribes in the form of "campaign contributions" as well as "fines" from an impressive bevy of too-big-to-fail financial mobsters for years now.  The crime lords' names would read like a Who's Who in Global Business if they ever made the media coverage, but they don't because Injustice and them pocket what amounts to hush money to make illicitly wealthy criminals appear uninvolved in the criminal activities they're illicitly involved in.

     The other day, a shameless Injustice functionary who's promised to get his sorry a$$ the hell out of town but hasn't, once again splashed the smirking face of Government gone awry all over the news to announce yet another Injustice program to keep gangland kingpins happy - and unincarcerated.

     Injustice is going to start seeking felony pleas from banks, making institutions plead guilty to criminal charges that the institutions manipulated the prices of foreign currencies.  Institutions, mind you, not the crooks hiding inside them.* 

     As one report put it, the pleas will carry a "symbolic stigma".

     Symbolic stigma.  Lawdy, Lawdy, Miss Clawdy, what a whuppin' that's gonna be.

* As usual, there was no discussion of restitution for the victims, or reference to the ginormous sums they must've been taken for, just more Government payoffs, it seems.