
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

September 12, 2014

Alibaba, Negative Interest Rates, and Employment Statistics in the No-Growth Economy


      Remember how conniving Chinese commies pulled a sting on Caterpillar (CAT) and them and stole Western technology from those marks, and handed that stolen Western technology over to pinko companies who built all those vacant commie cities through that stolen Western technology, and shut victimized CAT and them out of that action, and started competing against CAT and them worldwide with what is basically their own stolen products?

      Well, the next big Chinese commie sting is here.  This time, the slant-eyes stole a Western business model, set up a Central Party wing to run the stolen Western business model, and then ordered the entire Chinese population to buy stuff from the stolen Western business model.  This has given Maoist “businessmen” the excuse needed to pretend that this commie Government operation is somehow a corporation, and, get this, the shameless rascals are now over here selling stock in this piece-of-sh!t Marxist con to U. S. investors.

      It’s called Alibaba (BABA), and the BABA initial public offering is scheduled to poop pretend shares in this pretend corporation all over Wall Street on the 19th, and if you buy any of this horsepoop, valued subscribers, the second thing you need to do is contact your family attorney, tell him you’re f#ck!ng senile because you just contributed money to a f#ck!ng communist government, and ask him to stick your sorry butt straight in the home before you do any more damage to yourself and the free market system we all cherish so.

      Now, the first thing you need to do after buying BABA pretend shares, valued subscribers, is check your paperwork and make sure your prep school alma mater is generously provided for – before getting your sorry butt stuck in the home.  Engaging Lawyers from the Alumni Office will gladly provide you with all the assistance you need.  Codicils, forms, whatever.  As for all those other pesky beneficiaries, if there are any actually left who haven’t pissed you off to the point of disinheriting the whole freaking pack of them by now, you might as well leave the remaining loved one(s) a little something too - after you're totally convinced you've done absolutely everything you can for your beloved prep school alma mater.

Negative Interest Rates

      If you loan me $100,000, and I pay you back $99,000, and nothing else ever, the difference is called negative interest.  If the loan was made for a year, then you charged me negative interest of 1% per annum on it, if “charged” is even the proper word to use.  And should this whole thing sound totally nuts to you, it is, because in reality there is no such thing as negative interest.  Basically, that's because if I loan you $100,000, and you pay me back $99,000, and nothing else ever, I breaka you f#ck!ng legs.  Somebody in somebody’s totalitarian Central Bank had to invent the term, as well as the concept, when bureaucrats came up with this imbecilic notion as a way of explaining how they were printing funny money this time. 

      Frankly, we at your MacDougal Post have given up trying to make sense of their inane brand of garbage, and suggest you do the same.  They're just screwing investors again, like they’ve been doing for years now, cheating widows, orphans, and retirees out of income on their savings to keep the cost of failed government from eating failed politicians alive through the kind of agonizing real life interest rates a free market would punish miserably-failed politicians with when a country doesn't pay its bills on time and borrows way, way too much money.  Totalitarian central bankers find themselves having to keep inventing meaningless words and imbecilic notions to make it sound like what's going on isn’t what’s going on so we don’t shoot them in the f#ck!ng head for it, which is what much of the world's population really should be doing about now to totalitarian central bankers across the globe.

      It’s just Grand Larceny, Negative Interest.  Like Grand Larceny, Stock Options and Grand Larceny, Quantitative Easing, and the rest.  Instead of trying to keep up with this kind of sh!t, just take out the guns and clean them and pick up a few more banana clips, maybe some boxes of ammo.  And wait.

      It shouldn’t be that long before we can finally start using them, and end this "sovereign" racketeering once and for all.

No-Growth Economy Employment Statistics

      Remember all those rioters and looters at the recent racist demonstrations staged by our Stalinist Propaganda Machine to vilify White policemen?  The contrived protests took place in some ghetto out there somewhere kinda near but not in Chicago, the Black Murder Capital of the World?  Well, here’s how it all looked in a recent episode from one of the MacDougal Channel’s top-rated TV shows:

 (INTERIOR SCENE.  FULL ROOM PAN on John and Jane Smallbusinessowner’s den, where the couple is watching one of the riots and several of the lootings.  ZOOM to couple and their brand new 50" LCD TV.  FOX News is on.)



JOHN SMALLBUSINESSOWNER:  Look at those a$$holes.

JANE SMALLBUSINESSOWNER: Would you like a pastry, Dear?

JOHN SMALLBUSINESSOWNER: Would you look at those f#ck!ng a$$holes, Missus?

JANE SMALLBUSINESSOWNER:  I see the f#ck!ng a$$holes, Sweetie.  I bought cheese Danish.  Your favorite.

JOHN SMALLBUSINESSOWNER: And they expect us to hire those a$$holes!  They passed laws.  My small business is growing, and our attorney says I can't hire anybody else now unless I hire one of those f#ck!ng a$$holes.

JANE SMALLBUSINESSOWNER:  Come on now, Darling.  You love cheese Danish.

JOHN SMALLBUSINESSOWNER: I won’t.  I won’t hire any of those f#ck!ng a$$holes.  I won’t, I won’t, I won’t, I won’t, I won’t.


JOHN SMALLBUSINESSOWNER:  I don't want to grow if I have to hire one of those f#ck!ng a$$holes.  Isn’t that the Attorney General of the United f#ck!ng States?

JANE SMALLBUSINESSOWNER:  Yes, Lamb Chop, Eric Holder.

JOHN SMALLBUSINESSOWNER:  And all those smart-a$$ bimbos are supposed to be reporters.

JANE SMALLBUSINESSOWNER:  Yes, Sweetcakes.  Reporters.

JOHN SMALLBUSINESSOWNER: Reporting goddam news.  Not MAKING goddam news.

JANE SMALLBUSINESSOWNER:  That’s right, reporting goddam news, Lovey-dovey.

JOHN SMALLBUSINESSOWNER:  It’s an entire race of f#ck!ng a$$holes.  Look, that a$$hole is stealing a TV set.  An entire race of f#ck!ng a$$holes.

JANE SMALLBUSINESSOWNER:  All of them, my Stallion.  An entire race of f#ck!ng a$$holes.

JOHN SMALLBUSINESSOWNER:  Missus, The business isn't going to grow anymore.  Not if I have to hire f#ck!ng a$$holes who riot and loot, and, look, there go some more TV sets.



JOHN SMALLBUSINESSOWNER:  Missus, do we have any cheese Danish?  You know how I love a nice cheese Danish.

(CUT to CLOSE-UP on Jane Smallbusinessowner shaking her head and beaming.  With three fingers, She daintily picks a nice cheese Danish from the footed silverplate platter in front of her, sets it on an exquisite porcelain pastry dish, and hands the lovely dish to a great big manly hand suddenly thrust into frame.)

(ZOOM to John Smallbusinessowner’s mouth taking a bite of that cheese Danish while fading in the Why the Smallbusinessowners Won’t Hire F#ck!ng A$$holes Anymore theme song.)