
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

September 14, 2014


      The planes came from Indonesia.  They came from Saudi Arabia.  From Niger.  From England and France.  From everywhere really.  All over the globe.  Hundreds and hundreds of flights from dozens and dozens of mostly strange cities and towns, and the planes were brimming with Muslims, and the flights plumped the Muslims down in places Christians called home.  American places.  As is that militant faith’s way, these "civilians" were occupying Islamic military forces, sent to destroy the doctrinal enemy by their sheer number, and those hundreds of flights turned into thousands, and then tens of thousands, and by this time what had been the United States of America simply was no more.

      If one had been wondering why the Islamic world had been stocking up on really large commercial aircraft, the answer was perfectly clear to you now.

      The cunning Blatant Umama had prepared the strategic groundwork for this tactical assault by eviscerating his nation’s immigration enforcement infrastructure and demilitarizing local police forces.  Everyone had thought that the immigration thing was all about Central Americans, but it wasn’t.  It wasn’t about Central Americans at all.  The world Muslim leader had really been looking elsewhere, lulling his bureaucracy into simply giving up when the real moment came.  The moment he’d been scheming for all along.

      That’s how the Caliphate of North America got born.

      Bloggers like your MacDougal Post had warned the nation of this possibility as far back as 2014, but no one had taken heed.  And so one day, the planes just came, and they were jam packed with invading forces, and nobody shot them down.  And when the unarmed troops debarked and spilled across the land, nobody sent them home.

      Sharia law follows Muslims everywhere they go – it’s what those awful bullies demand - and it was Sharia law really that destroyed the U. S. of A.  The Muslim invasion was pretty much over once a swarm of them hit the ground.

      We didn’t know to impeach the sonofabitch who did this to us - while we still could - is what really went wrong.

MacDougal Irving,
Christchurch, New Zealand
September 11, 2017

p.s.  I can’t stop thanking the good folks down here who showed up and whisked us away – in the nick of time as things turned out.  It was just plain dumb luck that gays and their politically correct support group were the first to get stoned.