
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

September 28, 2014

Was She White or What?

      Our Commie Propaganda Machine has yet to report the Oklahoma beheading victim’s race.  We know her name, Colleen Hufford, and some other stuff: Colleen was a grandma, her husband of 25 years always picked her up from work, their house had been destroyed by a tornado a while back, she threw a great big smile at everybody, was a popular coworker, and got beheaded by a Black Muslim psycho with a rap sheet for refusing to let him convert her to his personal beliefs, whatever those were exactly.  Christian news outlets seem to be assuming Colleen was one of theirs.

      Non-Propaganda Machine sources tell us that the city of Moore falls into the “3% or less Black” category, so your guess is probably the same as ours.
      Sure looks like another direct frontal assault in the race war against Whites that Obama, Holder, and the likes of Sharpton gleefully confirmed during their manic Ferguson, Ohio diatribe (As we recall, the race thing, with the Black thug/teen and the White cop, got out pretty quick on that one.)  

      Suppose we’ll have to wait until real reporters get here from the U.K. or someplace before anybody is going to tell us for sure.

September 25, 2014

Amos ‘n’ Andy Cancelled

      The Dow Jones Industrial Average sank 264.26 points to close at 16,945.80 today when Amos announced that Andy would retire as Attorney General.  Losing a Washington racketeer who just screwed innocent bank shareholders out of $17 billion to keep hardened too-big-to-fail bank ripoff artists out of jail has mobsters all over Wall Street running for the exits until dons know they can grease the next guy with the same kind of obscene payoffs from people who had absolutely nothing to do with the commie-driven loans-to-liberal-deadbeats-unable-to-f#ck!ng-pay-them-off-ever crime spree.

      Look for market action over the next few weeks to tell us what kind of crook Amos is looking to replace Andy with at the Injustice Department, and when.

      As only Amos is left now, network executives no longer deem the remaining halfwit's financial tomfoolery sufficient to hold an informed buy-side audience, and we are forced to inform our disappointed subscribers that the Amos ‘n’ Andy Show has been pulled off the air, effective immediately.

September 23, 2014

Calling on Edith Piaf

      As the world and the United States Marine Corps sit around wondering why the United States Marine Corps isn’t doing what the United States Marine Corps does best at times like these, waiting instead for an innocent Frenchman to get decapitated by Caliphate blackmailers, we're driven to call on Piaf.  Here are links to Numbers 33 through 35 on the MacDougal Post Top 40 All-Time Favorites List, and some more of her hits to go along with them; maybe that voice will help us get through this together - on both sides of the pond:

September 22, 2014

What's up with Alibaba Plus Bonus Amazon Coverage

     Here's Seeking Alpha at the top of its game, giving us spot-on accounts of 1) the pesky Amazon issue that keeps actual investors at bay and 2) the core problem at Alibaba, namely that this ersatz investment, like all mainland Chinese "corporations" is really owned by the goddam Communist Party, and any "shares" sold by commie slant-eyes, being imaginary, grant ownership in nothing.  How inscrutable pinkos do this with something called a Cayman Island variable interest entity will entertain legal jocks, and some of the reader comments following the piece offer a captivating view of the speculative mind at its most oblivious.  Some of our subscribers may learn why professional money managers get sucked into positioning this kind of crap too.  Check out what quickly became a must-read here at Global Headquarters written by a savvy analytical stud hiding behind the intrepid moniker, Workhorse Investor:


September 18, 2014

The Honest-to-God Truth, Part 2

     The extent to which illusionists run our media goes beyond criminal.  These fiends are evil, and they're sugarcoating atrocities against the American people, and they're getting away with it without challenge.  Please, someone with clout, pleeeeease step up and make them go away; all it's gonna take is the honest-to-god truth:

September 17, 2014

The Honest-to-God Truth

      Media Research Center (MRC), a Reston, Virginia gadfly, has been taking our Stalinist Propaganda Machine to task with noteworthy panache, jumping all over the double standard that has placed network TV and all those insufferable, politically correct fish-wrappers under the communications stranglehold of a totalitarian commie regime in Washington.  The MRC website is located at:

      Typical of the kind of work the center doggedly cranks out is last month’s piece comparing the all but total absence of coverage over scandalous corruption by New York Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo with the igneous eruption of headline groupthink spewed across a bamboozled land once New Jersey Republican Governor Chris Christie’s “Bridgegate” scandal broke.  That article can be found at this link:

      MacDougal tries to limit his own mainstream "news" exposure to 1) FOX radio, TV, and internet outlets, 2) an amalgam of basically local, often rural, reporting from, or near, the hot spot of the day, and 3) whatever truthful resource pops up, and will now add the Media Research Center website to his short list.  One of our wily subscribers alerted us to the MRC, and we ask all of you to keep MacDougal posted on efforts of your own to stay informed amidst the inexhaustible outpouring of prevarication and deception hurled at straightforward folk these days by left-wing illusionists.

September 15, 2014


     Reports coming in this morning from Agence France-Presse tell us that Caliphate Muslim fighters who want to behead White men right now just struck a non-aggression pact with Muslim fighters inside the Caliphate who can wait and maybe do it later, placing in doubt Blatant Umama's plan to supply American weapons to Muslims who are not currently beheading any White men and who already have their own boots and whose boots are already on the ground.

     Gee, what a surprise!

September 14, 2014


      The planes came from Indonesia.  They came from Saudi Arabia.  From Niger.  From England and France.  From everywhere really.  All over the globe.  Hundreds and hundreds of flights from dozens and dozens of mostly strange cities and towns, and the planes were brimming with Muslims, and the flights plumped the Muslims down in places Christians called home.  American places.  As is that militant faith’s way, these "civilians" were occupying Islamic military forces, sent to destroy the doctrinal enemy by their sheer number, and those hundreds of flights turned into thousands, and then tens of thousands, and by this time what had been the United States of America simply was no more.

      If one had been wondering why the Islamic world had been stocking up on really large commercial aircraft, the answer was perfectly clear to you now.

      The cunning Blatant Umama had prepared the strategic groundwork for this tactical assault by eviscerating his nation’s immigration enforcement infrastructure and demilitarizing local police forces.  Everyone had thought that the immigration thing was all about Central Americans, but it wasn’t.  It wasn’t about Central Americans at all.  The world Muslim leader had really been looking elsewhere, lulling his bureaucracy into simply giving up when the real moment came.  The moment he’d been scheming for all along.

      That’s how the Caliphate of North America got born.

      Bloggers like your MacDougal Post had warned the nation of this possibility as far back as 2014, but no one had taken heed.  And so one day, the planes just came, and they were jam packed with invading forces, and nobody shot them down.  And when the unarmed troops debarked and spilled across the land, nobody sent them home.

      Sharia law follows Muslims everywhere they go – it’s what those awful bullies demand - and it was Sharia law really that destroyed the U. S. of A.  The Muslim invasion was pretty much over once a swarm of them hit the ground.

      We didn’t know to impeach the sonofabitch who did this to us - while we still could - is what really went wrong.

MacDougal Irving,
Christchurch, New Zealand
September 11, 2017

p.s.  I can’t stop thanking the good folks down here who showed up and whisked us away – in the nick of time as things turned out.  It was just plain dumb luck that gays and their politically correct support group were the first to get stoned.