
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

August 12, 2014

The Cunt Tosses Her Hat in the Ring

         Yesterday, with a desperately-timed declaration of her disdain for failed Islamist/Commie negro politicians and their failed destructionist policies, Monica Lewinski’s rival for former failed President whatshisname’s unnatural sexual demands told the world Her Consummate Ugliness (HCU) intends to bring back our long-forgotten national nightmare over oval sex in the Oral Office, or whatever that was, by throwing media coverage of her horrid face in the harried face of anybody horrified by it, which is, face it, pretty much every sentient being on what remains of our Clinton-Gore abused planet.

         We wish the bitch the kind of luck that brings HCU and her negro-adulating, wetback-enabling, environmental nausea cluster-fucking buddies the abject defeat they’ve all earned for themselves after the worst eight years in any nation’s history, including the burning down of Ancient Rome and the carpet bombing of Nazi Germany, and the sinking of the entire island nation of fucking Atlantis.

         Your Post is proud to endorse anybody else.  Hell, everybody else ahead of that, that, that, that disgustingly inhuman abomination of a flat-out scary, bloodsucking parody of a female.

         Let the record show, we stand behind everybody on the planet who runs for President of the USA in 2016, or any other Goddam year for that matter except her.

         Jesus, what is this country thinking?