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August 21, 2014

The Amos 'n' Andy Show Plus Bonus Coverage of Bill O’Reilly

Bonus Coverage of Bill O’Reilly

      With thanks to the subscriber who sent us this link:

The Amos and Andy Show
Wednesday’s Episode (Plot Synopsis):

      Taking a break from victimizing innocent White shareholders at Bank of America by screwing them out of $17 billion for cons committed by actual racketeers during the Commie-driven loans-to-people-who-can’t-f#ck!ng-pay-them-off crime spree, racist Commie Attorney General Andy arrives at the photo opportunity scene of Black rioting and looting in Ferguson, Missouri to try and disarm police and hand over White jobs in the Ferguson PD to Black rioters and looters.  An officer protects himself from Black rioters and looters by pointing an empty gun at one, and racist Amos gets the officer dismissed from Black rioting and looting duty.

      This, after we see that more murdering Muslims beheaded another captured White American in a video they made for us, this time because the Muslim-reared racist Commie Amos told the whole f#ck!ng world the U.S. would not send its military in to do anything about it, or about anything else our Muslim enemy wants to do to White Americans in their war against Jesus Christ.

      All that, as racist Commie propagandists keep showing up during the Black rioting and looting media circus to spin wild lies about this menacing hulk of a Black street thug who, from all responsible accounts to date anyway, was about to rip apart a police vehicle with his bare hands to kill the White officer inside when the White officer had to take the Black thug down in order to save his own life.  All the racist Commie propagandists follow racist Commie Amos’ longstanding lead to lie about everything and make sure that’s all that ever comes out of their racist Commie propaganda machine.

      At the end of the day, Muslim racist Commie Amos announces that he won’t engage the Muslim War Machine in battle in the Jihad they declared against White Americans on 9/11/2001 but will let detachments of Muslim killers keep popping up to behead White Americans and wait to go after specific Muslim beheaders after they’ve beheaded some, emphasizing that, boy, is he going to go after a couple of Muslim beheaders this time!

      Meanwhile all across the heartland, it’s a laugh a minute as White America continues to wonder what in Christ’s Name this beleaguered nation has to do to get racist Amos and Andy the hell out of Washington along with the rest of their treasonous, Muslim-studded, racist Central Party Commie Regime, and replace the clowns with White Capitalists who’ll stand up for White jobs and White lives and Jesus Christ too, while they're at it, not to mention that White border between White America and Mexico, which doesn’t even make the show this episode?


Oh, and did we mention the racism implicit in everything these pinko radicals do?