
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

August 23, 2014

Lets Send Some Form of this around and Hope it Goes Viral

     MacDougal lifts free weights at the local gym three days a week, mostly with a committed group of regulars, including this conscientious city policeman keeping himself in top shape.  Yesterday, MacDougal asked the exemplary young man for his take on policing rioters and looters at the civil insurrection orchestrated by cynical Black politicians in Ferguson, Missouri.

     It was chillingly like any encounter with soldiers returning home from Viet Nam back in the day.  Then, military personnel felt that most folks disliked what they were doing and many despised them for doing it.  Same thing here.  We, as a nation, are once again letting our young men and women in uniform down.

     The conversation quickly centered on the role of radical agitators in the Liberal media.  Their presence is, in fact, proactive participation in the rioting, their words and images turning contrived local unrest into a nationwide attack on Whites and White uniformed police officers in our town and yours - the way it's designed to.  Subversives in the Democratic Party propaganda machine have done more to weaken America in a matter of days then anything their destructionist Kenyan President has managed to pull out of his Indonesian-reared Muslim a$$ in six long exhausting years of trying.

     Why do policemen in the line of duty have to talk to Commie pigs anyway?  In any other profession, someone with public relations expertise would be trotted out to field their leftist garbage.  It's time to acknowledge the truth here: pinko reporters are rioters, the integral part of the whole thing, in fact.  TV face time is the entire reason Marxist leaders stage their hateful racial attacks in the first place, and has been since all this malicious falderal about White ruination being Black civil rights got started.

     People, the best response we at The MacDougal Post can come up with is this...  Whenever you encounter a uniformed law enforcement officer, consider it your patriotic civic duty to go up to him or her and offer these words, "Thank you for your service."  Just like some of us do when we run into an active member of the Armed Forces.

     Anywhere, anytime.  Explain that you started doing this after Ferguson, and they'll understand where your support is coming from and why.  Totally understand.  You have no idea how crushing that news coverage has been on our guys and gals in blue.

     And how unfair.