
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

August 14, 2014

Chasing Growth

         This company manufactures this popular stuff.  Demand is expanding at 15% annually, which has become troublesome because their one factory will max out next year.  Rather than lose sales to the competition, the CEO is hustling to build another one.  Problem is, you can’t add little plants as you go along, giving you 15% more product every year.  You have to build a great big one, and in financing that, the balance sheet gets stretched way beyond manageable.

         Minute that facility is up, the now-vulnerable company’s got one factory operating at full capacity and a new one at only 15%.   Prospects look great, but the financials are a mess.  Sales flat out have to increase by the projected rates or the debt service can’t be met.  If the obligation to the bondholders who put up the money for the new plant isn’t covered, outfit goes down faster than the proverbial Titanic.

         Problem is, the small investor doesn’t provide for this.  Hapless investment clubbers and them bumble through life blissfully thinking stock market success is all about the 15%.  Or 20%, 50%.  Whatever their little hearts are set on.  Poor bast#rds don’t get told what happens next in this sordid tale of wealth redistribution.  Not by the Wall Street Crime Families, they don’t, or the media those unscrupulous mobsters keep manipulating.

        Thing is, what happens next in this particular tale of ours only happens maybe once a century, more if today’s Democrats keep winning national elections.  Market crashes and demand gets chopped off at the knees.

         Company’s sales plunge precipitously, and their assets get sold to pay off those bondholders, leaving zilch for equity.  Investment clubbers and them lose every dime.

         It’s called chasing growth, subscribers, and it’s the dumbest bet on Wall Street, shifting entire fortunes from your pockets to theirs maybe once a century or so as basically every freaking “story” stock gets shot down in flames.  Oh, that product keeps getting produced, often by the same folks who lost all your money for you.  Usually, the thieves just start going under newly defined ownership, simply replacing yours in what the 1% have reason to call a "justice" system and we don't.

         Destructionist negro politics, bent on arrogantly supporting an indolent class of idle poor with Government largess, coupled with an inexplicable free money policy over at the Commie Fed, has clearly brought this economy to the brink of another catastrophic market crash, the kind that toppled every dumbass “growth stock” back in 1929.

        DO NOT ASSUME GROWTH RISK AS LONG AS THE DEMOCRATS REMAIN IN POWER, people.  MacDougal estimates that there are no more than 150 actual investments out there today, and he’s culled his own personal universe down to something like 85.  Other investors with local knowledge can come up with regional names increasing the size of that list, but finding local investment managers you can trust is an issue in itself.

        The 1929 Crash happened.  It’s likeness will devastate family wealth again.  MacDougal begs you once again to pour your wherewithal into the bluest of blue chips.  The growth trap cannot ensnare investors seeking conservative single digit rates offered by today’s A-List large caps.  You’ll survive if you’re in the right names.

        The smartest investors MacDougal ever met adopted the bluest strategy permanently, feeling, as one put it, you never know when the wolf is at the door.  At least heed their warning now.  Protect you and yours from the monsters who are slowly, but steadily, shutting this nation down.

        Please.  The 1929 alternative is an awful thing to ponder.