
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

August 30, 2014


      Media sources tell us there are 50,000 Muslim soldiers fighting in and around Syria, including maybe 100 Americans and perhaps 1,000 Europeans, some half of which are British.

      Who are they?  We need names.

      If there’s some reason why we shouldn’t know, America needs to discuss that.  Are these traitors born or converted Muslims?  What are the countries of origin, and who emigrated and when?  What local communities are the turncoats from?  And how about the ethnic composition, particularly of those 100 serial killers from the U. S. of A?

      The Democratic Party is busy turning White Americans into a minority race with vitriolic hatred.  Hatred for “crackers”.  Hatred for the 1%.  Hatred for anyone who opposes baby killing, for goodness sakes.  Or climate pseudoscience.  Or gun confiscation.  Or all kinds of pinko nonsense their Commie dictatorship dreams up.  Like soda bottles that are too freaking big for Commie dictators.  What role has all that hatred played in spitting out military subversives?  

      Gruesome racial overtones in the words and images from Ferguson could only be seen as part of a grotesque victory march, Black bullies telling Whites to get in the back of the political bus and stay there if you know what’s good for you.  Today, crackers, a street thug’s life is honored because of the color of his skin, the White police community vilified in its entirety over the color of yours.

      And propagandists controlling what comes into our living rooms threw this sh!t at us and the Attorney General of the United States was there to support this sh!t and the venom spewed out with it, a nearby-hovering President calling for “studying” the disarmament of (White) patrolmen everywhere across the land.

      How many Black bullies are taking up arms against us via unspeakable acts of Jihad?  Crackers, we need to know that too.

August 29, 2014

For the Politically Correct Crowd

     Whether he's waging the Jihad declared against us on 9/11/2001) by 1) telling the enemy he'll wait for Americans to get killed and then go after individual killers, or 2) announcing his timetable for withdrawing troops from the combat zone, Blatant Umama has brought MacDougal to the verge of believing that the slaves really got freed because they were too stupid to pick cotton.  Here's another take on similar matters that should be more palatable to the politically correct among you, written by someone who probably didn't take front and center at the recent Journalist's March to Victimize White Policemen in Ferguson, Missouri:

August 23, 2014

Lets Send Some Form of this around and Hope it Goes Viral

     MacDougal lifts free weights at the local gym three days a week, mostly with a committed group of regulars, including this conscientious city policeman keeping himself in top shape.  Yesterday, MacDougal asked the exemplary young man for his take on policing rioters and looters at the civil insurrection orchestrated by cynical Black politicians in Ferguson, Missouri.

     It was chillingly like any encounter with soldiers returning home from Viet Nam back in the day.  Then, military personnel felt that most folks disliked what they were doing and many despised them for doing it.  Same thing here.  We, as a nation, are once again letting our young men and women in uniform down.

     The conversation quickly centered on the role of radical agitators in the Liberal media.  Their presence is, in fact, proactive participation in the rioting, their words and images turning contrived local unrest into a nationwide attack on Whites and White uniformed police officers in our town and yours - the way it's designed to.  Subversives in the Democratic Party propaganda machine have done more to weaken America in a matter of days then anything their destructionist Kenyan President has managed to pull out of his Indonesian-reared Muslim a$$ in six long exhausting years of trying.

     Why do policemen in the line of duty have to talk to Commie pigs anyway?  In any other profession, someone with public relations expertise would be trotted out to field their leftist garbage.  It's time to acknowledge the truth here: pinko reporters are rioters, the integral part of the whole thing, in fact.  TV face time is the entire reason Marxist leaders stage their hateful racial attacks in the first place, and has been since all this malicious falderal about White ruination being Black civil rights got started.

     People, the best response we at The MacDougal Post can come up with is this...  Whenever you encounter a uniformed law enforcement officer, consider it your patriotic civic duty to go up to him or her and offer these words, "Thank you for your service."  Just like some of us do when we run into an active member of the Armed Forces.

     Anywhere, anytime.  Explain that you started doing this after Ferguson, and they'll understand where your support is coming from and why.  Totally understand.  You have no idea how crushing that news coverage has been on our guys and gals in blue.

     And how unfair.

August 21, 2014

The Amos 'n' Andy Show Plus Bonus Coverage of Bill O’Reilly

Bonus Coverage of Bill O’Reilly

      With thanks to the subscriber who sent us this link:

The Amos and Andy Show
Wednesday’s Episode (Plot Synopsis):

      Taking a break from victimizing innocent White shareholders at Bank of America by screwing them out of $17 billion for cons committed by actual racketeers during the Commie-driven loans-to-people-who-can’t-f#ck!ng-pay-them-off crime spree, racist Commie Attorney General Andy arrives at the photo opportunity scene of Black rioting and looting in Ferguson, Missouri to try and disarm police and hand over White jobs in the Ferguson PD to Black rioters and looters.  An officer protects himself from Black rioters and looters by pointing an empty gun at one, and racist Amos gets the officer dismissed from Black rioting and looting duty.

      This, after we see that more murdering Muslims beheaded another captured White American in a video they made for us, this time because the Muslim-reared racist Commie Amos told the whole f#ck!ng world the U.S. would not send its military in to do anything about it, or about anything else our Muslim enemy wants to do to White Americans in their war against Jesus Christ.

      All that, as racist Commie propagandists keep showing up during the Black rioting and looting media circus to spin wild lies about this menacing hulk of a Black street thug who, from all responsible accounts to date anyway, was about to rip apart a police vehicle with his bare hands to kill the White officer inside when the White officer had to take the Black thug down in order to save his own life.  All the racist Commie propagandists follow racist Commie Amos’ longstanding lead to lie about everything and make sure that’s all that ever comes out of their racist Commie propaganda machine.

      At the end of the day, Muslim racist Commie Amos announces that he won’t engage the Muslim War Machine in battle in the Jihad they declared against White Americans on 9/11/2001 but will let detachments of Muslim killers keep popping up to behead White Americans and wait to go after specific Muslim beheaders after they’ve beheaded some, emphasizing that, boy, is he going to go after a couple of Muslim beheaders this time!

      Meanwhile all across the heartland, it’s a laugh a minute as White America continues to wonder what in Christ’s Name this beleaguered nation has to do to get racist Amos and Andy the hell out of Washington along with the rest of their treasonous, Muslim-studded, racist Central Party Commie Regime, and replace the clowns with White Capitalists who’ll stand up for White jobs and White lives and Jesus Christ too, while they're at it, not to mention that White border between White America and Mexico, which doesn’t even make the show this episode?


Oh, and did we mention the racism implicit in everything these pinko radicals do?

August 19, 2014

Ferguson Riots

      Based on the latest “news” out of Missouri, it turns out that 1) the brute characterized as an unarmed teenager with his hands up was actually this 300 pound bully shot while charging a police vehicle, and 2) the two “reporters” arrested in McDonalds had been asked to leave 23 times and, instead of doing so, one arrogantly shot his fool mouth off at authorities while somebody, probably the other, stood there taking video.

      In the ten days since this outrageous attack against America and Americans began, the only leadership our Islamic president (from Jeremiah Wright’s church, and nobody's ever answered WTF about that) has offered a racially-torn nation comes straight from his Muslim Military Manual: lie to the enemy you’re trying to destroy.

      It’s clear that his minions have jumped all over that strategy.

      Impeach the Indonesian-educated Kenyan before it’s too late to save the country's victimized White minority from the depravities raging against them.

August 18, 2014

Destructionism Boiling Over in the Streets

      A nation watches in silent disbelief as racist politicians deploy mob rule to destroy law enforcement here, urging, of all things, police disarmament, presumably so that large teenagers of the appropriate race can shoplift cigars, brutally intimidate anyone who has a problem with that, and parade their arrogant lawlessness down the middle of the street without fear of confrontation, let alone apprehension, by stature disadvantaged authorities.

      As any investor can tell you, tobacco companies have long been the target of vitriolic destructionist politicians, left-leaning “do-gooders” attacking citizens who use that kind of mind-numbing pleasure to help make it through the horrors of life in a Liberal dictatorship, condemning these long-suffering victims to maximize their time spent on Earth facing the nightmare of oppressive rule by vitriolic destructionist politicians.  Cigarette manufacturers have fought back by rewarding shareholders with attractive dividend growth, largely through stock buybacks, jumping all over the absurdly low interest rates of our Commie Fed to help finance the way, and managing declining operations as effectively as others administer thriving businesses.

      In recent years a surprising number of great American corporations in all kinds of sectors have adopted the Tobacco model to face weakening trends in their broad areas of business.  To us here at The MacDougal Post, one thing has become perfectly clear:  the Democratic Party is, and has been for years now, using destructionist policies to attack middle class Whites, long the economic backbone of our country.

      Take away White jobs, sucker Whites into the free food, clothes, housing, and medical care pinko trap, and the nation falls with them.

      Subscribers, it’s time we stood up and called them out.  Maybe somebody with clout will start listening.