
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

August 19, 2013

The Muslim War and Mexican Ethnic Cleansing

Facing outrage over holding their “Million Muslim March” on Washington on the September 11th anniversary of their dramatic victory against this country back in 2001, protest organizers pulled out a timeworn religious tenet - lying to despised infidels - and changed the event’s name to “Million American March Against Fear”.   Reminiscent of raghead plans to place a mosque beside the World Trade Center site a while back, our nation’s refusal to acknowledge the bloody war these people have been waging against nonbelievers across two millennia continues to demonstrate how dumb, hence vulnerable, we appear to the enemy.

Meanwhile across the country in Los Angeles, Jorge Vergara, billionaire owner of Major League Soccer’s USA Chivas, has been charged with what one former employee calls “ethnic cleansing”, removing everyone from his organization who isn’t Mexicano and doesn’t hablo Espanol, including players, staff, and all connected with their youth soccer programs, kids too.

“If you don’t speak Spanish,” Vergara is quoted as allegedly saying, “you can go work for the Galaxy”.

Since we can’t believe this one ourselves, here’s the Fox News link: 

         Why aren't we throwing all these a$$holes in the clink or out of the country or something?  This calamari is beyond ridiculous.