
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

August 16, 2013

A Word about Banana Clips

         Your MacDougal Post staff first noticed that the Feds were cooking the books while slogging through the bedeviled, inflation-ravaged wasteland otherwise known as the Jimmy Carter years.  Suddenly some of their rosier economic stats had lost any possible connection to reality, and the more glaring errata getting pooped out of Washington at that time could no longer be reconciled with audited financials coming from the private sector and empirical evidence.  To us, the national accounts have never looked right since, and we simply don’t use them in decision-making.

         Thursday, consternation over federal debt totals made another media splash, at least with the fair and balanced crowd over at Fox News, so MacDougal revisited malfeasance there once again, and we’ve decided to let you in on his thinking.

         MacDougal thinks that all the poopheads in Washington should be thrown in the slammer, number crunchers too.  Clearly any digit published inside the beltway passes across a political desk prior to release.  Those misbegotten dirtbags have to be penciling in whatever they want.

         Within each stinking Federal Agency is a high level socioeconomic sociopath who answers to nobody and is ethically challenged enough to crank out the kind of malevolent drivel that will let the 1% continue to fleece every single man woman and trust fund baby in the 99% until the last woebegotten penny is squeezed out of their destitute, wage-enslaved, sorry-a$$ wealth management accounts.

         Washington says the Federal Government has rung up a $16.9 trillion National Debt.  Everybody else sees it as a staggering $70 trillion or worse.  Do you have any idea what the difference is between 16.9 trillion anythings and 70 trillion of them?  Of course you don’t.  Neither do we.  Nobody does.  Basically, nobody has a clue.  We don’t even understand what the number 1 trillion could possibly be.

         Driving 40.2 million times around the equatorial circumference simply does not trigger a comprehensible electronic impulse inside the human brain to explain what 1 trillion means.


         To punish high crimes against the crown in Merrie Olde England, our buddies the Brits used to drag their hopelessly condemned to the gallows bound and roped behind a horse, and thereupon hanged the miscreant until almost dead, thence disemboweling alive whatever was left, entrails burned in the process, whereupon anything that still remained got beheaded and the charred corpse quartered (four limbs, four horses, one giddyup, and you don’t want to know what happens next).  That’s the closest we can come to describing how our elected officials have been doing the American people since about the time a prior Mr. President was getting done too, only different, inside the Clinton Oral Office.  Screwing with National Debt totals probably fits in with those entrail burnings during the disembowelment part, and maybe smoldering for a bit just after that part too.

         Off-balance sheet financing is how they’re going about it, subscribers.  Remember Enron?  Same kind of thing.  The Feds do not fund promises, leaving out the future cost of political bacchanalia like Social Security, guarantees of student and mortgage loans and pension benefits, and now Obamacare.  That means we’ll be printing money to pay for the actual benefits when the promised dreams come true, and the day the real extent of that debt is acknowledged, and the monetization needed to cover it starts to get unsprung, interest rates will skyrocket, and financial markets will collapse. 

         We’ve written about hyperinflation before.  That’s the biggest fear.  Whatever, financial fraud is the cause, and that’s what we’re covering here.  Washington’s financial fraud.  That American voters continue to leave any of these perps in power should be a lesson to us all.  And that lesson is this:

         Don’t leave the house without side-arms, subscribers, and at least one semiautomatic rifle, and stock plenty of ammo in the pickup.  And don’t forget the banana clips.  Boxes and boxes of fully-loaded banana clips snugged up just inside the tailgate so you can get to them real quick.

         Time’s coming when you’re gonna be needing every dang one.  Every dang fully-loaded 30-round clip.

         Could be coming sooner than you think too.