legendary investor/infamous corporate raider Carl Icahn announced that he has a brand new $1.5 billion position in Apple common.
That’s 7.5% of his estimated net worth.
Were the legend to rebalance his portfolio holdings to something around
that percentage as a diversification target, he’d end up with just 13 stocks, so this
move is more than a tad on the aggressive side, which should come as no surprise to our valued subscribers. And, who knows, Icahn may not be done with
his buy program yet. If the price tanks once again, one would think he'd step in somewhere and support it.
To see
if you want to be like Carl, first multiply your own net worth by .075, and consider how large this position would be for you, next double that number to accommodate the likelihood he's weighing the pros and cons of doubling
up if the opportunity presents itself, and then decide whether you’d wheel and deal with that kind of action too.