
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

November 25, 2012

Swindled Anew

         2006 brought with it a watershed moment in celebrity dentistry.  It was maybe 4:30 AM, Chicago time, when paparazzi close-ups first revealed to the world what Hollywood starlet Lindsay Lopez isn’t wearing when she drives up someplace and gets out of her stretch limo.  By 11:15 Chicagoland’s Drive-up Prophylaxis Clinic for the Stars had opened its lanes for business, and folks were already starting to get the wrong idea about Oakley Brookmall, D.D.S., and that cutting-edge curbside dental practice of his.

         Records later subpoenaed by the Illinois State Board of Family Values in Oral Hygiene show that Lindsay Lopez wasn’t even a patient there, at the time anyway.

         Well okay, Paris Milton was, and Parmella Andreson, and a few dozen other hotties too, and you should see the photos D.D.S. Brookmall has hanging on his drive-through wall these days.  Some you can even recognize from the sex tapes if your search engine is any good at all with indiscreet topics of prurient interest. 

         The celebrity dentist happened to be waiting for Paris Milton to pull in the other day when we got to his Prophylaxis Clinic for our appointment.  The hottie’s stretch was nowhere in sight, so Dr. Brookmall got up off his knees and set down his camera to welcome us.

         “Hi, MacDougal.”

         “Hi, Doc.”

         “You started flossing yet?”


         “Now what kind of example are you setting for Post subscribers, MacDougal?  Talking like that.”

         Just about then, this really, really long black stretch arrived, skidding to a screeching halt right in front of us.  Next thing you knew, the rear door got opened, and flashbulbs began popping.  Readers who might wonder why a Tinseltown ingenue would fly all the way out to the Windy City just for a cleaning have never experienced your top-of-the-line celebrity curbside dental practitioner in action.  It’s everything these women are looking for in a prophylaxis and more.  Much, much more.  When the hottie was done with Oakley’s examination, Miss Milton wriggled out of the back seat, swung her hips hither and yon, and sashayed off, mostly yon, but a little hither too from time to time, for a hygienist chair.  Dr. Brookmall leaned back against the wall and lit up a cigarette.

         Life is good for an upscale prophylactic clinician like Oakley Brookmall.  Real good some days.  We figured he was ready to discuss the recent bad news with his portfolio.

         “Doc, you read about the Credit Swish subprime mortgage lawsuit?”

         “&$!# yes.  $#%&ing Government is after my $#%&ing savings again, MacDougal.”  Dr. Brookmall is a Credit Swish stockholder.

         “The New York Attorney General alleges that bank execs lied when they told investors somebody was evaluating and monitoring all those bundled subprime mortgages that helped take down the global economy in the Financial Apocalypse.”

         “$#%&ing $#%&ers.”

         “Credit Swish deals produced $11.2 billion in losses.”

         “$#%&.”  For the toast of Chicagoland’s oral hygiene community and one of their leading spokespersons, Oakley Brookmall sure has a mouth on him.  “$#%&.  $#%&.  $#%&.  $#%&.  $#%&” 

         “Government’s trying to recoup that amount from the bank’s shareholder accounts, plus a hefty fine.”

         “$#%&ing shareholders didn’t do “&$!# to nobody.”

         “Last week Credit Swish shareholder accounts had to cough up $120 million because bank perps took settlements from loan originators, stuck the dough in the bank, and didn’t give any to their victimized bondholders.”


         “None of the Credit Swish scoundrels have been charged with anything, or made to pay a dime.”

         “$#%&ing “$#%&ers.”

         “Not one thin dime, Oakley.”

         “$#%&ing $#%&ing $#%&ing $#%&ers.”

         “Just you.  And the other shareholders.  Government is taking it all out of your hides.”

         “$#%&.  $#%&.  $#%&.  $#%&.”

         "First, Swish bankers trash shareholders’ equity with shenanigans, then the Feds go after it through lawsuits.  Ain’t that two kicks in the head?”

         “$#%&.  $#%&.  $#%&.  $#%&.  $#%&.  $#%&.  $#%&.  $#%&.”

         “Just today’s shareholders too.  People who held Credit Swish stock at the time this was going on don’t have to hand over anything from their former ownership accounts.  Bought-and-paid-for Government protects everybody even remotely in this thing and then turns around and victimizes you and us, today’s shareholders."

         “$#%&.  $#%&.  $#%&.  $#%&.  $#%&.  $#%&.  $#%&.  $#%&.  $#%&.  $#%&.  $#%&.  $#%&.  $#%&.  $#%&.  $#%&.  $#%&.  $#%&.  $#%&.  $#%&.  $#%&.”

         “Well, you anyway.  We don’t hold financials anymore ourselves, to be honest with you. Oakley.”

         “$#%& you, MacDougal.  I’m glad you don’t floss.”

         “No more financial stocks in our portfolio, Doc.  Not In this lifetime anyway.”

         “I hope you never $#%&ing floss again.”