
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

November 8, 2012

Dear Voters,

         We are Eisenhower Republicans here at Global Headquarters, which means we can’t support either major party.  Sanctimonious fruitcakes on the Right have drawn conservative politics to the Looney Tunes side of so many none-of-your-damn-business issues that we’re convinced these nut cases need to be seeking therapy, not political office, and the anti-White/iceberg-hugger coalition to the Left, which has been waging financial war against Heartland America pretty much since Ike faded away, is, in our opinion, likely to bring this nation to its knees some day soon through hyperinflation on the inside and this massive - and seditious - alien invasion of theirs from beyond our borders.

         Ike would calamari in his khakis over all this.  The former Supreme Commander of Allied Forces in Europe might even get to thinking appropriate military solution, not financial cliff.

         We see that something like 98.5% of you voted for one side or the other in the latest election.  Morons.  You damn fools deserve what you’re going to get.

         Pity is, you’re dragging us into it too.

         Anyway, here’s an Eisenhower-era tune for the 98.5%.  Listen, then switch on the radio to get a taste of what the world has turned into because of voters like you, and COMPARE.

         Maybe you’ll think twice about encouraging these dipsticks next time Election Day rolls around.

Your diligent blogger,
