
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

November 9, 2012

Potheads Decriminalized in Colorado and Washington

         Toke Skywalker is our Senior Cannabis Correspondent.  Nobody digs cannabis like a stoner from the 1960's, and you couldn't find a groovier stoner than Toke.  We're not sure he ever left the 60's, to be honest with you.

         We sent Toke to Colorado months ago, the minute MacDougal knew that marijuana would be on the ballot out there, and haven’t heard a word from Skywalker since.  News that voters in Colorado and Washington passed some form of legalizing referedums that mainstream media hotshots don't quite understand yet got MacDougal intensifying his efforts to reach our correspondent, and last night those attempts finally paid off.  Skywalker’s old lady, Moon Rainbow, answered her cell phone for once.

         “That you, Moon Rainbow?”


         “Moon Rainbow, that you?”

         “Phh, phh, phh, phfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffphh.”

         “Doing research for the MacDougal Post coverage are we?"


         There is going to be coverage, right, Moon Rainbow?

         “Primo, Man.”

         “Moon Rainbow?”

         “Dude, pass me them brownies.”

         “Moon Rainbow?”


         “Moon Rainbow?”

         “Phh, phh, phh, phfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffphh.”

         “Moon Rainbow?”


         “Put Toke on.  Lemme talk to Toke, Moon Rainbow.”

         “Dude, pass me them sardine thingies.”

         Toke’s voice is real deep and kind of shot.  You’d know it anywhere.

         “Whazzzzzup?”  It was Toke.

         “What’s up with you, Toke?”



         “Phh, phh, phh, phfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffphh.”



         “Where you at anyway?”

         “Babe, pass me them cheesy fritters.”

         “Toke, it’s me, MacDougal.”


         “MacDougal, Toke”

         “Phh, phh, phh, phfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffphh.”

         “Toke, talk to me."


         "Toke, it's MacDougal."

         "MacDougal who?"

         "MacDougal Irving of The MacDougal Post.  Your boss, Toke.”

         "Peace, Man."

         “Where you at, Toke?”

         “Love in.  I’ll get back to you in a week.”  Click.

         We’re thinking about adding a Junior Cannabis Correspondent to our staff.  It’s becoming clear that some of these seasoned potheads may not have the right kind of seasoning for the job.