
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

July 15, 2011

On Further Reflection

    After a good mulling over, we reaffirm our conclusion that Blatant Umama is bent on destroying Capitalism with his condition that, for Federal Income Tax calculation, any debt ceiling settlement has to kill the Last In First Out (LIFO) method of accounting for business inventories and cost of goods sold.  There is no other way to look at it.  This Muslim-reared Black Supremacist Christian is not stupid, and has every mind in the nation at his disposal.

    Politics in this country is conducted as if we, the electorate, are a clueless pack of blithering idiots.  Good Umama figures he can sneak Bad Umama into the fray undetected, strap an accounting bomb to his chest, and blow our gun-toting redneck way of life to smithereens, all the while getting off on telling us math-disadvantaged numbskulls exactly how he’s planning to do it.  To forthright men of numbers, that is the only conceivable explanation.

    And make no mistake about it, like he actually said, the Charlatan-in Chief is more than willing to take his Presidency down with him.  That’s what terrorists do, for hullabaloo sakes.  Blow themselves up in the process.

    You name a substitute for LIFO, and it will bloat corporate profits under the kind of supercharged inflationary pressure that deficit spending ultimately generates.  In the worst of such times, anything but LIFO overstates taxable income to the point where management would have to start liquidating assets to foot Uncle Sam’s fraudulent bill.

    One way or another, our CPA’s cherished profession would restate earnings so that CEO’s, investors, creditors, and whatnots could grasp the real picture, but the prospect of jail would bar his guys from reporting appropriate results to Umama’s IRS pit bulls.

    Just as corporate elites have deployed numbers to fleece your savings with “stock options” that are no such thing, their paid-for political stooge has now turned on the hand that feeds him, seizing a rare opportunity to digitize the disembowelment of company financials by taxing profits that simply do not exist.

    This does not sit well with the staff at your MacDougal Post.  Of particular concern is the extent to which the IRS hired and promoted Blacks under Affirmative Action while we were actually working there.  Snuck them into line supervisory positions from administrative functions and other offices because they were preposterously unqualified to compete for the jobs they got silver spooned into.  Is there a cadre of sneaky Muslim-reared Black Supremacist Christians in place at the Agency now to comprise a loyal death squad, effortlessly razing Capitalism for good?

    Maybe that’s what Affirmative Action was all about in the first place.  Not just making you work for Ghetto trash.  Setting them up to destroy the entire White culture.

    Racists who get a free pass on their own racism and jump all over anybody who notices.

    In our opinion, Mitch McConnell has to be recognized as a national hero for refusing to do any kind of business at all with an accounting terrorist.  Post readers should be able to at least appreciate why the Great Republican’s gotta not do what he’s gotta not do, even those of you up in the Northeast Corridor who’ve stopped reading today's blog by now.

    As a subscriber noted the other day, what used to be, to us anyway, Far Right rantings about Umama’s attack on Whitey, has morphed into a centrist issue with this LIFO thing strapped to Blatant’s budgetary vest.

    Paul Revere used numbers to tell a people whether the enemy was coming by land or by sea.  Today our nation is under attack by the numbers themselves, and you can forget about land or sea.  As The MacDougal Post has just warned you, this time they‘re getting detonated by an accounting terrorist from inside the dadblanged Oval Office.