
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

December 2, 2010

Pithy Observations

    1)  Media-fingered culprits morph from “speculators” to “investors” in the latest Gangland swindle as pundits on camera and keyboard struggle to ID short-sellers in a way that won’t bring mob wise guys down on anybody’s CEO.  Financial paparazzi now have to blabber/input that authorities in besieged eurozone countries are trying to appease somebody, but won’t say who.

     Reporting on a mob sting and the wise guys behind it would let viewers/readers judge the effectiveness of official action, a side of the story left untold, and flabbergastingly so.

    Coverage like this illustrates why we feel History should hold journalists largely accountable for the likely demise of capitalism.

    Gamed markets topple the whole shebang if you don’t call out the gamers.  Given their noisily-proclaimed mission as our Holy Watchdogs of Government, how hard is that for blowhards/fish wrappers to understand?

    2)  More importantly, to market-savvy Post readers anyway, that rapidly growing disturbance in Jupiter’s atmosphere, so big that an amateur observer can spot it in the eyepiece of his backyard telescope, now stretches almost halfway around the giant gas planet.  Thought to herald the return of the missing Jovian stripe, we look to that possible event for a sign that all is normal within Sol’s ethereal grasp once again, portending nothing but stratosphere for the Dow Jones Industrial Average when it happens.