
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

December 8, 2010

Going Hyper

    “It’s always something.”

    Market guru Roseanna Roseannadanna hit the nail on the head.  Wise guys make more money from your transactions than you do, so Wall Street claptrap is designed to get you buying and selling.

    Being right has no place here.  Marks would be able to stand pat, shutting the whole money machine down, so getting it wrong, generating portfolio turnover, is handsomely rewarded inside the Crime Family.

    Much of today’s talk - tax cuts, overspending, Government repurchasing its own bonds - swirls around a central issue, the ominous threat of hyperinflation, in ways that aren’t exactly helpful.  Media dunderheads even point to possible deflation in the short run, a very real possibility, as reason to ignore how the economy is going to pull out of the depression when it eventually does.

     One assumes it’s too profitable going round and round for Gangland economists to even try and get to the point.

    After a decade, or whatever, of financing wars and costly social programs on truly huge tax cuts, today's dollar can't go much further.  Hyperinflation is just around the bend.  The guns vs. butter thing.  An economy can only produce one or the other comfortably.  Try both and prices shoot up.  Try both for decades and cut your revenues too, and madness happens.

    That’s it.  What we’re facing.  There’s nothing else to this.  Whatever politicians are going on about, it’s left to you and I to figure out where their actions fit in.  Most of the time, nobody even mentions hyperinflation.  As if we're not accountable for what happens next.

    Bond prices got belted yesterday because Obama announced that Washington has agreed to make the problem worse.  Politicians aren't reducing spending, domestic or military, nor raising tax rates, nor juicing up the economy to produce more tax revenue.  Hyperinflation just got closer.  A lot closer.

    It’s always something, and that something right now is hyperinflation, and it’s bearing down on us, and will be Roseanna Roseannadanna’s something as long as Crime Lords see they can go and whack prices some day soon.