
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

December 15, 2010

Cowgirl Up

    As poverty spreads across Ireland this yuletide season, Wall Street Crime Families celebrate the joyous trading profits that took that human toll.

    At the Post we’re looking ahead to mid-January when Gangland financials come out.  In times past, the mob has seen reason to cover up their more satanic activities, so we’re wondering whether Crime Lords will muster the arrogance to report record trading results for the final quarter of 2010 in view of the suffering that short-selling brought to the Emerald Isle, or stash the numbers deep inside those blatantly deceptive accounting statements where no one can possibly look.

    Unwarranted suffering across the length and breadth of that agonized nation, as we noted earlier.  The rating agencies saw no reason to call attention to the kind of problems crashing bond prices foretold until short-sellers stepped in, and one scorekeeper’s explanation indicated that Irish bond ratings were lowered specifically because shorts had launched a bear attack.

    You’d think mob scribes would bury their record-shattering numbers and pretend this windfall didn’t happen, but our political climate is totally off the wall, and one wonders whether truth even matters here any more, so wise guys may see no reason to net their Irish bounty against mortgage loan write-offs caused by prior unspeakable behavior, or maybe something else we don‘t even know about embarrassing them in the books.

    Makes us wonder whether we should bother nosing into Wall Street racketeering at all.  Payola-soaked politicians protect them everywhere you turn.  And the media’s got mob wise guys shooting their mouths off right inside our living room every trading session of the year.  Or so we were telling Rowdi Bonebender, DC, the other day.

    “Cowgirl up, Hoss” America’s favorite chiropractic healer was looking at us kind of funny.  “Do whatcha gotta do.”

    “It’s a tough life, Musculoskeletal Doc,” we offered, feeling a tad sorry for ourselves.

    “Tough?  You want tough, I’ll schedule you an appointment with Roomfulla.”  Office Amazon, Roomfulla Grones, is the world’s leading practitioner of the ancient, dark, and, at least back then, deadly, Mongolian bludgeoning arts.

    Valued readers, we’re already back at the PC, going after Gangland pukes with renewed vigor and pace.

    No way does any citizen of this proud nation of ours, the United States of America, have to submit to that kind of pounding in the absence of some bona fide medical emergency.  Never, ever again, Obamacare or not.

    And don’t get us strted on that one.