
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

October 4, 2018

Guys, You Don't Need a Woman to Have a Family

     Protecting themselves from the new lifetime threat of unfounded male character assassination by perverted baby killers (female Democrats), thoughtful young men have to consider dropping out of the dating scene and avoiding the bitches entirely, or at least without responsible (male Deplorable) witnesses present in their lives at all hours of the day and night.  Well, guys, there’s no need to give up the joys of having a family too, one consequence seemingly embedded in your modern strategy.

     Get a dog.  Here’s a cost comparison that makes this decision a no-brainer:

October 1, 2018

Housekeeping Entry

Routine maintenance has just discovered that all subscriber names except one were removed from our online account by unknown perps, so we're publishing this post to see what they'll do to us next. 

- Your MacDougal Post Staff

Attack on Internet Dominance to Begin in a Month

     We are driven to pass along the link to Infowars coverage of an encouraging Zero Hedge piece; as our readers know, Infowars is undergoing censorship by the commie outfits mentioned, archenemies of The American Way all; those of you with too much time on your hands can search for the link to the Zero Hedge original:

September 22, 2018

Trade War "Unbearably Painful" For China keeps getting content banned by communist platforms like Facebook, YouTube, Spotify, and Paypal, so your MacDougal Post staff has decided to pass along must-read stuff gleaned from that patriotic site.  Here's one you can't miss:

August 4, 2018

The Biggest Story of Our Time

     U.S. citizens have slaughtered seventy million babies inside their mom's wombs since Roe v. Wade.

     70,000,000.  Number came as a staggering headline a while back, and your MacDougal Post staff hasn't known what to make of it ever since, only that the killing field takes one to horrors incomprehensible to us and everyone else around here.  Upon considered, lengthy reflection, there appear to be a couple of preliminary insights worth passing along.

     First of all, the souls of 70,000,000 murder victims are waiting on us up in heaven - us being all voting age Americans alive during the ungodly massacre.  Anyone who even considered voting communist (a.k.a. Democrat) in any election probably has some explaining to do, quite possibly at some sort of ongoing tribunal similar to the Nuremberg trials after World War II, only with 70 million wailing martyrs in attendance.

     And secondly, recent commie attempts to destroy Christianity may have more to do with the martyrdom of the 70 million than what sicko Trotskyites have been going on about.  Yes, pinkos are justified in thinking that Jesus' flock will never ever vote for them - ever - but in light of the blood on their hands from such a ginormous death toll, the murderers definitely need to cover their butts in the afterlife with a spot as far away as they can get from our Father, His Son, and the Holy Ghost, not to mention the sainted 70 million.

     If we come up with anything else, we'll pass it along.

     The shadow censors let our last post go out to MacDougal, so we don't know what's going on with them, but we'll keep forwarding stuff to our valued subscribers by hand for now.

August 1, 2018

June 15, 2018

Will Tommy Die in Jail?

     A raghead official locked Tommy Robinson up in a maximum security prison where ragheads make up 71% of the inmate population:

June 10, 2018

Free Tommy

     As Tommy Robinson may be the only person standing between Western civilization and Sharia law, he got a rally.  Here's Breitbart's coverage:

May 30, 2018

Dutch PM Speaks to our Problem

     As freedom of speech gets snuffed out all across the globe, your editorial staff has decided against offering investment commentary from our perspective, namely, that you just dodged odious communist rule by the hair on your chinny chin chin, and post-Obama something misbegotten, quite possibly the oft-mentioned universal salary, still draws perilously near to replacing your large cap, blue chip, dividend checks with monthly government stipends woefully meager in comparison to the queenly sums even now granted godless teenage floozies hard at work on the promise of stuffing future ballot boxes with votes from enormous broods of absentee-father, white cop-bashing, commie children.

     Days ago, a Brit was tossed in the clink for a year or so under a court-ordered fake-media silence for filming a gang of Muslim child rapists arriving for trial, particularly newsworthy as there are a lot of these trials taking place in his country right now, all judicially banned from fake-media coverage.  Sentencing came hours after the arrest, and, as we understand it, with all of his rights at trial removed.  We leave it to Geert Wilders to comment, and will let readers figure out for themselves what the Tommy Robinson disgrace has to do with the gentle folks here at your MacDougal Post:

May 20, 2018

Is War with China Inevitable?

     Our media is rife with accounts giving us reason to believe that younger Americans losing the will to fight for capitalism have spawned a Chinese military build-up designed to put commie world domination on the front burner.  Here's some of what the pinkos have been up to lately:

     Where this goes from here probably depends on how successful President Trump and his political allies will be in stemming the tidal flood of Marxist influence that began to spread across our shores under the recent subversive leadership.

May 4, 2018

Fight Back

     Readership at top conservative websites has been decimated since the 2016 election. A March 2018 study found that traffic at The Gateway Pundit (TGP) was hit the hardest by the recent Facebook algorithm changes.  Here's the response by TGP:

     MacDougal Post readers opting to leave Facebook may want to compile a list of blacklisted websites, starting with, and visit them daily on your own.  We're passing along a compilation to start from:

May 2, 2018

OPEC and Them

      Oil majors, long favored as cyclical investment vehicles for the conservative portfolio, seem to have lost a bit of that standing in recent years due to uncertainty over changing industry conditions.  Here's one take on what's been going down inside the oil patch to cause what strikes us as an observable reboot in sentiment by the blue chip crowd:

March 29, 2018

Commie Attack on Christ Hits New Low

     For most of MacDougal's lifetime, the Communist (a.k.a. Democratic) Party has been working tirelessly to drive Jesus out of America.  Here's an example of where the pinkos are going with that these days, an outrage that managed to garner rare media attention:

February 25, 2018

Looking Like We Won't Be Back Anytime Soon

     Nothing's changing.  Unconscionable social media commies are steamrolling patriotic Americans as high-handedly as ever.  Here's what's up with the outfit our blog uses:

January 14, 2018

Censorship Just Gets Worse and Worse

     Where is the conservative internet-related service company of our dreams?  A Right Wing social media provider bringing all the silenced voices back to life, and herding us there.  Why do accounts like this have to be written: