
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

May 30, 2018

Dutch PM Speaks to our Problem

     As freedom of speech gets snuffed out all across the globe, your editorial staff has decided against offering investment commentary from our perspective, namely, that you just dodged odious communist rule by the hair on your chinny chin chin, and post-Obama something misbegotten, quite possibly the oft-mentioned universal salary, still draws perilously near to replacing your large cap, blue chip, dividend checks with monthly government stipends woefully meager in comparison to the queenly sums even now granted godless teenage floozies hard at work on the promise of stuffing future ballot boxes with votes from enormous broods of absentee-father, white cop-bashing, commie children.

     Days ago, a Brit was tossed in the clink for a year or so under a court-ordered fake-media silence for filming a gang of Muslim child rapists arriving for trial, particularly newsworthy as there are a lot of these trials taking place in his country right now, all judicially banned from fake-media coverage.  Sentencing came hours after the arrest, and, as we understand it, with all of his rights at trial removed.  We leave it to Geert Wilders to comment, and will let readers figure out for themselves what the Tommy Robinson disgrace has to do with the gentle folks here at your MacDougal Post: