
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

August 4, 2018

The Biggest Story of Our Time

     U.S. citizens have slaughtered seventy million babies inside their mom's wombs since Roe v. Wade.

     70,000,000.  Number came as a staggering headline a while back, and your MacDougal Post staff hasn't known what to make of it ever since, only that the killing field takes one to horrors incomprehensible to us and everyone else around here.  Upon considered, lengthy reflection, there appear to be a couple of preliminary insights worth passing along.

     First of all, the souls of 70,000,000 murder victims are waiting on us up in heaven - us being all voting age Americans alive during the ungodly massacre.  Anyone who even considered voting communist (a.k.a. Democrat) in any election probably has some explaining to do, quite possibly at some sort of ongoing tribunal similar to the Nuremberg trials after World War II, only with 70 million wailing martyrs in attendance.

     And secondly, recent commie attempts to destroy Christianity may have more to do with the martyrdom of the 70 million than what sicko Trotskyites have been going on about.  Yes, pinkos are justified in thinking that Jesus' flock will never ever vote for them - ever - but in light of the blood on their hands from such a ginormous death toll, the murderers definitely need to cover their butts in the afterlife with a spot as far away as they can get from our Father, His Son, and the Holy Ghost, not to mention the sainted 70 million.

     If we come up with anything else, we'll pass it along.

     The shadow censors let our last post go out to MacDougal, so we don't know what's going on with them, but we'll keep forwarding stuff to our valued subscribers by hand for now.