
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

February 28, 2015

The Fed’s Changing Role in Monetary Policy

     Functionaries at the Federal Reserve System (Fed) used to fiddle with the nation’s money supply to keep numbers for inflation and unemployment in line with preconceived notions - basically, what fellow economists thought the data should be.  Administration functionaries were already fiddling with those very same numbers before the fraudulent statistics even got published for the Fed functionaries to see, so, like Ancient Rome, with all that fiddling the economy often burned down.

     Lately, Fed functionaries have been fiddling with the country’s Treasury Bond, Note, and Bill supply to keep returns from investments made by the 1% in line with the gargantuan demands one would expect from racketeers skimming massive amounts of savings into their own pockets through what a complicit financial press labels “stock options”, but what are really your stolen ownership interests in corporate America, and mine.

     CEO’s and them are pulling off the most successful heist in the history of crime, and with 34 years of plunder in their wealth management accounts, nothing less than the massive resources of our Central Bank can begin to help them squeeze every last ounce of illicit profit out of what used to be our money before they went ahead and took it.

     If you’re a retiree, or a proverbial widow or orphan, and you need a stable flow of risk-free income, forget it.  The new 1% want capital gains, so the Fed is giving that to them at your expense, buying up all the Treasury debt it needs to throw interest rates under the bus and utterly destroy your sector of what isn’t a free market anymore.

     And wrecking the free market’s way of holding failed politicians responsible for the wild-spending catastrophe they have wrought upon us, kicking the evil can of market turbulence down the road to be suffered by your progeny at some horrific future date, or – God help us – sooner while you’re still around to take yet another kick in those long-suffering financial cojones of yours.

     That, valued subscribers, is the Fed's role in monetary policy today.

February 24, 2015

Saudi Arabia, the Terrorist State

     At the foundation of America's "ally" in the Middle East is a barbaric legal system beheading nonbelievers in a manner identical to executions currently being carried out by our nation's worst enemies, obviously used to spread the same waves of terror throughout its own population for the same purpose.

     When will we ever cut our ties to these monsters?  Is this not reason enough:

    It's high time to stop using blood-splattered foreign oil, and let the domestic fracking boom roll on.

February 21, 2015

Minnesota Travel Bulletin

     If you're there, leave; if you're not, don't go.  Temperatures were reported to have reached 41 below zero in Embarrass yesterday, 31 below in Ely, and 28 below in Bemidji.  Clearly, this falls within any reasonable definition of uninhabitable.

February 17, 2015

Ominous News from Greece

     Depositors are pulling their money out of Greek banks at a steady rate, we're told in a curious report that goes on to headline something else.  We don't know what the definition of a run on banks is, just that it simply introduces the word, "panic", into that very thing.

     When that'll happen, if at all, is anybody's guess.  We're just pointing to evidence that some kind of stealth financial debacle might be building.

     Until this passes over, fellow investors, hold onto to your socks, and for goodness sakes don't look up at the fan. 

February 12, 2015

Injustice Department Flaunts Nonsensical Way to Keep Bankers out of Jail Once Again

     Enabling a white collar crime wave that brings unfathomable wealth to all who maneuver themselves anywhere near its blatant sphere of racketeering, the United States Injustice Department and corrupt politicians with a hand in running it have been pulling down staggering bribes in the form of "campaign contributions" as well as "fines" from an impressive bevy of too-big-to-fail financial mobsters for years now.  The crime lords' names would read like a Who's Who in Global Business if they ever made the media coverage, but they don't because Injustice and them pocket what amounts to hush money to make illicitly wealthy criminals appear uninvolved in the criminal activities they're illicitly involved in.

     The other day, a shameless Injustice functionary who's promised to get his sorry a$$ the hell out of town but hasn't, once again splashed the smirking face of Government gone awry all over the news to announce yet another Injustice program to keep gangland kingpins happy - and unincarcerated.

     Injustice is going to start seeking felony pleas from banks, making institutions plead guilty to criminal charges that the institutions manipulated the prices of foreign currencies.  Institutions, mind you, not the crooks hiding inside them.* 

     As one report put it, the pleas will carry a "symbolic stigma".

     Symbolic stigma.  Lawdy, Lawdy, Miss Clawdy, what a whuppin' that's gonna be.

* As usual, there was no discussion of restitution for the victims, or reference to the ginormous sums they must've been taken for, just more Government payoffs, it seems.

February 9, 2015

Truth in Government

     "I'm the Finance Minister of a bankrupt country", Yanis Varoufakis told a German interviewer recently, and politicians across the globe went nuts.  Near as we can tell, nobody now in power anywhere else has ever come remotely close to telling things as they are before.  Being honest rather than dreaming up all manner of QE M2 fiat sovereign velocity foreign exchange budget deficit trade deficit gobbledegook to launder the consequences of reckless spending must irk the liars running our world no end.

     In response to a flow of words like that out of Greece, according to one account we've run across anyway, global leaders - and their bully boys in a complicit media propaganda machine - have taken to accusing the entire newly elected regime there of radicalism, labelling them inexperienced dunderheads spouting "immature rhetoric more suited to young students than the serious business of governing".

     The article goes on to point out that Italy, Portugal, Ireland, Spain, and France - as well as the UK, Japan and the US - find themselves in similarly dire financial straights, and pundits everywhere have been looking for the collapse of the European Union and its long-lambasted Euro as a result.  That's the real reason why the Greeks are under attack.

     On top of all this, we're suddenly being told that world leaders are waging a 1930's style currency war, with scurrilous heads of state trying to drive their own foreign exchange rates down to bolster exports in what has become a floundering global economy.  And that the Moron-in-Chief in Washington is letting them, crippling the reported earnings of our multinational corporations of late.  (On that point, note that under these conditions US Dollar investments overseas are akin to scooping up great stuff in a fire sale - in the end our multinationals will come out way ahead of the game.)

     Factoring that in, your MacDougal Post staff continues to conclude that everyone everywhere belongs in jail - except, of course, these new Greeks.

February 3, 2015

Here We Go Again

     Since shipping Republican blue collar payrolls to Asia while seducing too-big-to-fail banks into making loans to deadbeat Democrats didn't bring the extinction of capitalism their Commie-minded leadership seems to crave, Liberal destructionists, led by the Annihilator-in-Chief, have just announced their intention to wreak complete ruination on the political enemy by overtaxing the only Republicans left with any money, rich ones, and punishing all home-grown businesses able to take advantage of those aforementioned outsourced jobs, U. S. multinational corporations, who can't possibly compete against operations unburdened with onerous Liberal corporate tax rates unless they stash their cash where Liberal destructionists can't get at it.

     Gee, what a surprise.

     What we've had here, the elevation of the country's idle poor up to some inane kind of Royal Household status financed by hard-working schmucks bullied into keeping their mouths shut about who's doing what to whom, has been full-blown race/class warfare as ruthlessly waged by "politically correct" societal demolitionists for decades now.  Wrecking crews at all levels of destructionist Liberal Government have already eradicated a material portion of our children's future - the means of funding today's Royal Households having been transferred onto tomorrow's shoulders by a totalitarian Central Party, which has placed the bond market under commie-minded control, removing the free market mechanism that would have otherwise ended this financial debauchery years ago.

     Our formerly well-monied children's future lies in tatters.  Some day, somehow, the inevitable catastrophic monetary aftermath to eight years of suicidal fiscal "hope and change" will blow major portions of that into smithereens.

     Can our generation's present be far behind?

     Please, somebody, somewhere, hand the Welfare Queen a broom, her sundry Welfare Kings each a shovel, and end the problem once and for all.  Remove the Welfare State in its absurd entirety and you will render this formerly responsible nation of ours blissfully solvent once again.