
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

June 2, 2014

The Fix as a National Issue

         "The game is rigged", the woman has been driving home from her political pulpit, repeating what's become a signature catch-phrase into cameras all across the land, and repeating it long enough to garner herself at least some center ring time in the upcoming Presidential election circus. 

         Yes, Elizabeth Warren gets it.  "A kid gets caught with a few ounces of pot and goes to jail," the Massachusetts senator puts out there for comparison, "but a big bank breaks the law ... and no one even gets arrested."  But then she takes it to places as destructive in their way as the socioeconomic sins she's wrapped her Liberal head around have been in sacking the American Dream. 

         Fortunately for the country, Rand Paul gets it too.  His Republican forces, Kentucky's Junior Senator realizes, "cannot be the party of fat cats, rich people, and Wall Street.”  And the course he lays out could take us all to the promised land.  Here's what Forbes has to say about that: 

         As your MacDougal Post staff sees it, what was explained to the American voter so many years ago still holds.  The Grand Old Party is, and always will be, locked in eternal battle with itself, what used to be called the Barry Goldwater Wing (Big Business) and the Nelson Rockefeller Wing (Populism) eternally pulling it in two different directions at once.

         Clearly, at this point in history it's time Nelson's boys won a few rounds once again.