
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

June 8, 2014

Overseas Tax Havens or Onshore Tax Hellhole, which Is it?

         Ignoring the real issues they just keep making worse, another left-leaning business-bashing pack of superficial radicals recently accused domestic corporations operating overseas of evading $184 billion in 2013 U.S. income taxes.

         First of all, unthinking Liberal think-tankers like these have helped force taxes on profits paid out as dividends to be levied twice in this country, once at the corporate level and then again on shareholders.  WTF?  I mean, WTFF?  Secondly, nobody in their right mind wants to bite the hand that feeds him, making corporate tax rates set by our totally-out-of-its-mind Government back home in the good old U. S. of A. among the most onerous in the world.  MANY AMERICAN COMPANIES COULD NOT COMPETE OVERSEAS IF THEY WENT AHEAD AND PAID THEM, you clueless f#ck!ng morons.

         Implicit in all their drivel is the assumption that foreign corporations domiciled in these “offshore” “tax havens” are somehow functioning illegally because their country doesn’t screw their corporations with the imbecilic rates pinkos here make our Government inflict on ours.  That just goes to show you how nuts Liberal crazy-talk circling around Washington has become.

         Finally, the only reason why the commie s0ns-0f-b!tch&s who come up with this b#llsh!t get their drivel published is to help politicize the taxation of Working America to support the idle poor of Entitlement America, whose lazy, worthless parasites would riot in the streets if talk turned even remotely close to tying those $60 thou a year welfare checks to anything resembling a g0dd4m job.

         Put your constituents to work, unthinking Liberal think-tankers, and stay the hell out of our pockets, why don’t you?