
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

June 30, 2014

“A Disturbing Trend of Incompetence and Failure”

         Admitting their paper was wrong to endorse Blatant Umama’s 2008 run for the Oval Office, folks at the Billings Gazette now call the Embarrassment-in-Chief “another in a line of presidents long on rhetoric and hopelessly short on action”.  Some of the Prince of Fiasco’s mistakes, as viewed from downtown Bakken oil boom country, are recapped in a Gazette Opinion story dated June 27, 2014.

         For those of you who don’t get the Billings Gazette, the piece is located at the following link:

June 27, 2014

Whatever Became of the Petrodollar?

         To explain the downfall of America, history may well finger the voters, fools who kept electing, over ridiculously long periods of time, bigger fools, mostly reprehensible crooks serving their own obscene personal wealth while selling the electorate out.  (Google Clinton, W … Gore, A … Reid, H … Pelosi, N, for starters.)

         Future discussion of the decline we are currently witnessing during this particularly misbegotten administration may center, in large part, around what could end up being the stunning demise of our petrodollar.  Here’s the reasoning why:

June 22, 2014


         The South Dakota Republican Party has no role in the process, that 191-176 vote was nothing close to encouraging, and the state’s lone delegate to the House of Representatives feels there are better options, but we at your MacDougal Post are heartened to see an arm of the GOP join us in making the call to impeach that vile obamanation in the Oval Office anyway.

         Let’s hope the word gets around.

         Impeachment, impeachment, impeachment, impeachment, impeachment.

         Patriots, you gotta love the way it sounds.

June 14, 2014

Wall Street Crime – the Enablers

         According to a new study conducted at the University of Oxford, the Financial Apocalypse led to at least 10,000 more suicides in the four hardest hit years than would have otherwise occurred.

         The research found that breadwinners became more susceptible to taking their own lives than other family members, and men, who are less likely to seek help, were at a higher risk than women.  As one would expect, guns offered the best way to snuff oneself during the 2007 to 2010 aftermath.  Any other alternative increased the opportunity to get a second chance.  Media coverage of the study didn’t specify which guns male breadwinners considered using, and failed to rank those firearms by popularity, detailing neither type, caliber, manufacturer, nor model.

        Typically, suicides aren’t long-planned, researchers concluded, but often impulsive acts of little forethought, attempts being equally common in urban and rural areas of America, but more likely to succeed out in the boondocks, where guns are more available.

         The coverage didn’t say whether people who did take their own lives ended up being better off than those who failed.  Apparently, the Oxford team didn’t study this, and, given the horrific times Obama has put us through (unnecessarily so as those promised shovel-ready jobs have yet to materialize), we've got a ton of potential suicides, and that’s probably the key question most of them have been asking.

         Anyway, citizens did comparatively well in countries with elaborate social safety nets like Sweden, where the suicide rate remained unchanged. 

         There was no attempt to pin anything on Wall Street, so the Crime Lords, who, of course, lavishly fund academia, get away scot-free again.

         How in God’s name can anybody study serial killings and run away from the serial killers?  Damn academics belong in the slammer too.

June 12, 2014


         The Liberal media is spinning Tuesday’s incident in Troutdale, Oregon, as the 74th time shots have been fired on school grounds across the continent in the year and a half since Sandy Hook, giving anti-gun nut cases the sensationalized coverage they crave.

         MEANWHILE BACK IN THE CITY OF CHICAGO, 74 homicides have been recorded during the last 59 freaking days, and nobody seems to be writing about that.  Guess mass murder by Black killers in a vicious “gangsta” culture, whose psychotic behavior is fed by the entertainment pages of that same propaganda machine, just isn’t news too.

June 10, 2014

Safety Alert: Unmanned Aircraft and Driverless Cars

         For the first time ever, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has granted somebody a certificate to fly an unmanned aircraft (drone) over land, though exactly whom is unclear.  AeroVironment, Inc., a California firm with operations in Monrovia and Sim Valley, manufactured the drone, so it’s probably somebody there, and BP Exploration, Inc. contracted the missions as part of their North Slope maintenance effort in the Prudhoe Bay oil field, and that crowd got so tired of screwing up big time a few years ago that it’s not likely to be one of them.  Called a Puma, the fancy model airplane has a wingspan somewhere around 9 ft. and flies for up to 3½ hours at 200 to 400 ft., getting launched when this guy, whoever he is, throws it through the air with both hands over his head.

         Puma’s been operating for a week now, and has already helped truckers drive heavy drill rigs through dense fog by providing them with real-time high-resolution 3D computerized models of the tight roadways ahead.  Absence of the word, “map”, anywhere at all in the coverage we read leads us to wonder just how childish a mind playing with toy airplanes for a living can get, and substitution of the expression, "3D computerized model" for proper English scares us into questioning whether the words "ground safety", omitted from the article as well, are being addressed on the North Slope of Prudhoe Bay today, or NOT.

         Last summer the FAA handed drone operators two certificates to fly over water in remote areas.  No certificates have been issued for flights over any kind of surface in sparsely or heavily populated areas.  Yet.

         In any case, MacDougal is warning staff and subscribers to deal with this new airstrike risk by avoiding the Prudhoe Bay North Slope area entirely and remaining outside a radial perimeter 350 miles from both Monrovia and Sim Valley, California until further notice.

         Furthermore, and elevating such matters well beyond the level of totally unacceptable, Google has announced it will build 200 driverless automobiles, some without steering wheel, gas pedal, or freaking brake for Chrissake, and is planning to test them on public roads near corporate headquarters in Mountain View, California.  UNDER NO CONDITIONS SHOULD STAFF OR SUBSCRIBERS VENTURE ANYWHERE NEAR SILICON VALLEY ON ANY KIND OF PAVED THOROUGHFARE UNTIL THE ACCIDENT REPORTS START TO COME IN AND WE HAVE ENOUGH DATA TO ASSESS HOW SERIOUS THE COLLISION RISK OUT THERE IS GOING TO BE.

         Be safe, valued subscribers.  MacDougal loves you all.