
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

December 9, 2013

Negative Interest Rates

         We’re told that former Treasury Secretary Larry Summers wants to set interest rates below zero, meaning banks would charge you for keeping money with them.  If the rate were fixed at, say, minus 10%, a $100,000 balance would turn into $90,000 after negative interest is deducted, presumably at the beginning of each period for obvious reasons.  To force compliance, the banking system would become cashless, that is, totally electronic, all paper currency and coin withdrawn from circulation.  That way, you'd have nothing to hide from them anymore.

         Why?  Well, this is how, our source claims, some thinkers would have Quantitative Easing end, preempting hyperinflation by making savers sop up the Federal deficit with their personal cash on hand.  Since it wouldn’t resolve the problem, joblessness and free stuff for the entitlement class, one wonders how the proposed negative interest rate program would end once their electronic money pool is sufficiently depleted.

         Quantitative Easing, you will recall, is the printing of money by refusing to acknowledge the printing of money while you rig markets for the financial instruments you print money with.

         Subscribers, it's been perfectly clear to us for several weeks now that the country no longer has a Treasury Bond market, and hasn't for some time.  Trades in what used to be that arena now consist of 1) accounting transactions among sovereign governments, largely between Communist China and a new boy in town, the Communist United States of America, and 2) other players forced to accept state-controlled interest rates set by the participating central party monetary leaders.  "Negative interest rate" is just a fancy name cooked up to deny what’s really been going on here all along: the confiscation of middle class wealth.
         From 1) central party financial leaders, Wall Street mafia kingpins periodically gangbanging stock prices into fractions of their real value to 2) central party business leaders, CEO’s and them, confiscating our shares every year through “stock options”, taking the entire amount of our December 31, 1981 savings over 30-plus years now, average Americans have been playing the sucker for decades.  Now the central party political leaders in Washington, themselves fabulously wealthy through graft and payola from their financial and business comrades, are mulling over ways to come at our wherewithal from yet another f#$%ing direction.

         If the obvious ultimate outcome to all this hasn’t entered your head before, surely the time has come now to start polishing the guns and think hard about the side you’ll be aligning with when secession knocks on the door.

         Patriot or commie?  Where will you be standing when the calamari hits the fan?