
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

December 31, 2013

Calling out the White House Trotskyites

         As we await what seems to be inevitable, secession after the monstrous anti-White Communist coup d'etats that has overthrown our government, an alert subscriber passed along Laura Hollis’ lucid observations about Obamacare:

December 28, 2013

Bible 1 - Democrats 0

Phil Robertson Stays Put

         Conceding that the Holy Bible, not the Democratic Party Political Agenda, is the foundation of Christian teachings, A & E executives took back whatever they said about Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson a few days ago, and decided to let him continue making piles of money for them.

         However, we are still aghast at the relentless attack in the Liberal media by Jewish/Black/Latino/Muslim/whatever interests against our nation's White Christian culture, and call on patriotic citizens to dump their cable/satellite TV, and find entertainment on internet websites of their own choosing like many real Americans have started to do.  You'll find a plethora of sites out there, all run by stalwart anti-mainstream-media geeks who're not hellbent on tearing your house down, and many of the best websites are free.

         Thy enemy's enemy is a friend of thine.

December 20, 2013

Phil Robertson

          The blatantly liberal media has done it again. Fear of vituperation by talking heads and them bullied A&E into suspending Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson the other day for some politically incorrect comments about homosexuals that were really based on longstanding Christian teachings many fans who aren’t Jewish or gay share with him. Since what Phil said used to be politically correct, certainly so while MacDougal was growing up, the big picture is thoroughly confusing here, and we figured we’d better look into that aspect for subscribers relying on us for a fair and balanced handle on the faggot issue.

        First of all, what’s going on with that is this: except for a recent window in a handful of western countries, homos have been bashed throughout the entirety of human history, often through beatings or executions. We figure that window at maybe 30 years, starting sometime after the Billie Jean King v Bobby Riggs blowout but before that unfortunate Newt Gingrich speakership debacle.

        Now 110 billion people are estimated to have inhabited Earth since Adam and Eve got off on each other at the beginning of Year One, maybe 109.5 billion of them outside that all-important window referenced above. Since there are only 72 million registered Democrats in this country today, the numbers are going to stack up like this when we all get to heaven:

         .07 billion souls for gays, lesbians, bisexuals, and transgenders and 109.5 billion souls who won’t put up with any of their sh!t and may throw heavenly rocks at you just for bringing the subject of alternative lifestyles up.

         Given what's plainly written in our own office Bible, The MacDougal Post demands that A&E restore Phil Robertson to stardom and apologize to every Christian fan in his sizeable audience for religious persecution, which is what this serpentine attack on their values really comes to.

December 14, 2013

Oh, by the Way

         Now that the Mandela hoopla is about over, NBC News finally got around to telling us last night that South African Blacks are currently waging a race war against White farmers to drive those minority citizens off their property.  Apparently, Whites own 90% of the farmland there, and Blacks want it.

         Below is a link to one website offering information about the atrocities.  We found a number of other sources, some mentioning that the government is looking the other way.  There appears to be precious little coverage in the mainstream media.

         Perhaps ethnics removing Whites from power and ultimately pillaging everything they own is a story that hits a little too close to home in the Communist United States of America.

December 9, 2013

Negative Interest Rates

         We’re told that former Treasury Secretary Larry Summers wants to set interest rates below zero, meaning banks would charge you for keeping money with them.  If the rate were fixed at, say, minus 10%, a $100,000 balance would turn into $90,000 after negative interest is deducted, presumably at the beginning of each period for obvious reasons.  To force compliance, the banking system would become cashless, that is, totally electronic, all paper currency and coin withdrawn from circulation.  That way, you'd have nothing to hide from them anymore.

         Why?  Well, this is how, our source claims, some thinkers would have Quantitative Easing end, preempting hyperinflation by making savers sop up the Federal deficit with their personal cash on hand.  Since it wouldn’t resolve the problem, joblessness and free stuff for the entitlement class, one wonders how the proposed negative interest rate program would end once their electronic money pool is sufficiently depleted.

         Quantitative Easing, you will recall, is the printing of money by refusing to acknowledge the printing of money while you rig markets for the financial instruments you print money with.

         Subscribers, it's been perfectly clear to us for several weeks now that the country no longer has a Treasury Bond market, and hasn't for some time.  Trades in what used to be that arena now consist of 1) accounting transactions among sovereign governments, largely between Communist China and a new boy in town, the Communist United States of America, and 2) other players forced to accept state-controlled interest rates set by the participating central party monetary leaders.  "Negative interest rate" is just a fancy name cooked up to deny what’s really been going on here all along: the confiscation of middle class wealth.
         From 1) central party financial leaders, Wall Street mafia kingpins periodically gangbanging stock prices into fractions of their real value to 2) central party business leaders, CEO’s and them, confiscating our shares every year through “stock options”, taking the entire amount of our December 31, 1981 savings over 30-plus years now, average Americans have been playing the sucker for decades.  Now the central party political leaders in Washington, themselves fabulously wealthy through graft and payola from their financial and business comrades, are mulling over ways to come at our wherewithal from yet another f#$%ing direction.

         If the obvious ultimate outcome to all this hasn’t entered your head before, surely the time has come now to start polishing the guns and think hard about the side you’ll be aligning with when secession knocks on the door.

         Patriot or commie?  Where will you be standing when the calamari hits the fan?

December 6, 2013

Because the Doing Isn’t that Important, the Talking Is

Yet another spot-on tractate, perhaps Peggy Noonan’s finest, shared with the MacDougal Post community by one of our discriminating subscribers:

Fast Food Workers Strike

         In the early years, the original McDonald’s franchise was a hoot.  Teenagers serving teenagers at the greatest teenage happening of all time.  Cars packed with them turned the nearby streets of Des Plaines into a cruising strip, radios blaring.  The rock ‘n’ roll generation massed there just because the rock ‘n’ roll generation was massing there - every night of the week.  Plus you got fries, if you wanted some, too.

         Working at the Lee Street McDonald’s came to be recognized as the best after-school job in the history of after-school jobs, and if you didn’t get one you hung out there anyway.  It was a place where guys could reasonably expect to check out every available girl in the greater Chicago metropolitan area.

         Living wages never entered into it at all.  Given the job benefit, ogling chicks face to face across the counter, you’d have to be out of your mind to care about the money too.

         Over time, the business model settled into something else, but not the part about the after-school job.  For generations, working at McDonald’s has given kids spending money while they went through school, plus something for the resume.  On graduation, the now young adults went out and found real work somewhere else.

         In recent years, Washington has allowed real work to be shipped overseas, apparently to the point where breadwinners have nowhere else to turn now but fast food jobs never meant to support a family.  In a shortsighted, ill-considered campaign of desperation, union leaders and part-time workers are trying to bully the fast food industry into committing financial suicide by raising wages to levels that will wreak havoc on their extraordinarily successful business models.

         At the prices required to cover these outrageous wage demands, it’s quite possible that nobody will buy the food.  Sounds like a lose-lose to us.  No matter how this thing goes down, it won’t be good.

         What the working poor really need is new faces in Washington.  The answer is as simple as that.