
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

July 3, 2013

The Shadow

         Omission of the word, "derivatives" looms over this sinister piece like a foreboding shadow:

         Just what are the referenced "regulatory initiatives" all about anyway?  It's scary when people stop telling you anything.

         Do not hold major banks of any kind.  Any of them anywhere.  When the calamari hits the fan, Government will not bail these Dons out again, and in the Obamanation that has become America 2013, shareholders will be crushed - and/or large depositors, as was the case in Cyprus such a short time ago.

         Subscribers, nothing has changed to take the crime out of Crime Family here.  All across the globe, crimebusters are getting payola to pile more victims on.