
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

July 19, 2013

Fall is Coming, and Roasted Nuts

         Subscribers wondering why your blogger delves into the sociopolitical, seemingly with abandon, should note that a financial ratings service just gigged Chicago three notches, citing, among other reasons, wanton political corruption and that scary murder rate in the violent Black “hoods” that gave us a POTUS who has actually spoken out in support of street thugs bashing neighborhood watch heads into the pavement.

         In a diasporic media, whose allegiance lies with the country of their heritage, not this one, vilifying Whites has become de rigueur, siding with the tidal flood of illegal wetbacks a badge of journalistic honor.  Thanks to their backhanded coverage, the vile hate crime that is Black politics now runs this country, and is running it into the ground.

         We are forced to pay for a criminal pack of vacuous, unthankful, drug-crazed slackards contributing nothing but trouble to society and taking everything they can get their conniving hands on out.

         Subscribers, the demand side of our economy is all but destroyed – to the point where observant investors have been placing their bets solely behind the big multinationals deriving the bulk of their income elsewhere in the world.  It is unlikely that factory workers anywhere will ever earn a living wage again.  Face it, any union organizer trying to pull his kind of calamari in China will be shot.  Rigged-market capitalism has turned its back on the American worker in favor of the Asian coolie, destroying the ability of our way of life to survive, and the talking heads run stories glorifying Hollywood drug addicts instead of anything even remotely close to what is really going on here.

         We are a nation of idiots.  In your grandchildren’s lifetime, it will be run by communists or ragheads – unless somebody wises up.  Even now, Affirmative Action has given us leadership by college-educated Blacks who didn’t belong in college and despise the “Crackers” they displaced in order to get there.

         Subscribers, there is little for you in the misleading financial websites of today.  An investor’s plight is being driven by the social and political forces molding whatever new tomorrow our ill-fated destiny has in store.

         Which brings up financials.  When the stock market turns south, any company deemed to be a “financial” gets crushed.  The Crime Families chop those quotes off at the knees.  Don’t fight it, and for goodness sakes don’t go around bitching that an REIT, or whatever, is NOT a financial.

         Wall Street Dons deep six financials.  It’s what they do.  Professionals accept this.  Amateurs playing at portfolio management learn to talk the talk and then take a bullet in the head from hit men setting them up with those aforementioned misleading websites.  Stop chasing yields, and get your dumb a$$ out of every financial stock you have before the calamari hits the fan.  NOW, people.

         We’re sick of hearing about it after these totally predictable financial holocausts get done roasting our friends’ financial nuts.