
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

August 15, 2012

The Latest

           Now we’re being told that hedge fund racketeers are amassing formidable stockpiles of cash as the Robber Barons prepare to pounce on some kind of overseas financial collapse putting European bank paper on the market at fire sale prices.  Sounds like one of those insidious back room smoke and mirror things again.

           Bank failures, only over there this time – instead of, as some of you may recall, right here in your own fallutin back yard.

           Bank failures AGAIN.  What we’re wondering now is this …. we’re wondering if these mover-shaker, wheeler-dealer, your-a$$-is-mine covert hedge fund operatives have been quietly building up the clout to sink the world economy for Carried Interest and that Boogeyman of his.  A market bloodbath hung around Umama’s vulnerable neck some brisk October morn would just about do the job.

           Mess around with Wall Street long enough, young subscribers, and you’ll start seeing things that go bump in the night too.

           MacDougal's been doing quite a bit of that lately himself.