
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

August 16, 2012

On Navigation

           With Blatant Umama and Invisible Joe finally pitted against Carried Interest and The Boogeyman in treacherously tossed waters, what we’ve got here now is one of your typically stressed-out piloting decisions.   Come November, an aggrieved 99% of the nation will have to determine where the super-overindulged 1% will set their next socioeconomic heading on the political compass, and thence launch the scarily-looming scorched-earth invasion somewhere along a defenseless, constitutionally unfortified coastline.  For the foreseeable storm-swept future, either more and more Government largess will enrich Al Gore and those wild-eyed entitlement-huggers of his without economic reason, as the 2008 election results produced in spades, or more stealth financial weapons of mass destruction will frag distressed asset values into the hands of a laugh-a-minute cop impersonating POTUS and his hedge fund gumbas, probably disemboweled corporate paper assets throughout the civilized world and Iceland, as beheld in the Global Economic Thermonuclearaccounting Apocalypse which, your brokerage records may reflect, spun out of control that very same year.

           As either heading freaks out at least 49.9% of the electorate, expect swing voters to trash the victors as soon as they possibly can, well those of us swing voters still allowed to vote anyway, probably four years out, maybe only two if the scourge is malevolent enough.