
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

August 10, 2012

Goody Two-Shoes

           In short-selling what their own internal memos labeled “crap” that this Crime Family was touting to conservative clients as gilt-edged, AAA-rated, income investments of the highest quality, “crap” secured by sub-prime home mortgage loans to people who couldn’t afford the ballooning payments, the very “crap” that caused the Global Financial Holocaust of 2008/09, Goldberg, Styx was not a criminal enterprise and the mob lowlifes there were not conducting any criminal activities, the Justice Department proclaimed Thursday.

           "The Department and investigative agencies ultimately concluded that the burden of proof to bring a criminal case could not be met based on the law and facts as they exist at this time," the Justice Department said in a statement accompanying the miscarriage.

           There appears to be nobody charged with investigating the “Department and investigative agencies”, or those lying, pandering, complicitous, sleazebag mob stooges would soon be heading to the slammer instead.  How much are Umama and his political cronies getting paid off by way of political graft/contributions to keep the likes of these Goldberg, Styx/Justice Department/investigative agency crooks out on the streets anyway?

           Is it billions yet?  Or still only hundreds of millions.