
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

May 25, 2012

Wall Street Vampires Revisited

         We’ve been biting our tongue over this Facebook (FB) thing to see who was going to say what about whom.  But clearly it’s becoming the wrong outrage at the wrong moment in the Post-Financial Apocalyptic Era, so our blogger has convinced himself that only Good can come out of the investment community's reaction, and that’s “Good” with a capital “G” for the kind of Biblical reasoning that has to be applied to this money-sucking Satan spawn bedeviling downtown Manhattan and the demonic Plutocracy their nepotistic kind has us struggling to survive in.

         And lo and behold, the term “short-selling” has started cropping up in some of the more informed FB coverage.  This term never appears out in sunlight unless it’s Bloody Mary at the Securities and Excuses Commission telling us that the aforementioned “short-sellers” had nothing to do with the catastrophic global economic collapse caused by those specific short-sellers, basically getting the fraudulent practice yanked back into the cover of darkness again, and not a moment too soon either - from Bloody's point of view anyway.

         So this FB aftermarket outcry is something huge, and we want our readers to know that.  Nobody’s getting plugged yet, and nobody’s offering to explain how the rackets work either, but we’ve taken a giant step in the right direction here.  Actual dialogue.  Just keep in mind, when the politicians start popping off about controlling the Presbyterian Mafioso, until these hired Beltway hands do tell us just what it is they’ll be controlling, and with the kind of culpability-ridden insight you find all over these blogs, we’ll know they’re still getting paid off with bundles of racketeering cash and nothing useful is really going to come out of what has heretofore always been phony indignation, side-stepping rhetoric, and electioneering hullabaloo.