
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

May 23, 2012

The Facebook IPO

         We’ve avoided comment on this one because our blogger couldn’t figure out what the geeks at Facebook (FB) did exactly.  He still can’t, but based on his own wall, or whatever they call it, a tiny proportion of users – possibly under 1% - seem to be doing 99% of the social networking, if that’s what’s going on with that, and they're mostly businesses and non-profits, or people related to businesses and non-profits, and this Zuckerberg person, or one of his minions, keeps firing off emails to you if you don’t read all that “content” by visiting the website as much as he wants you to.  We’ve already had to “unfriend” two abusers who were making it impossible to do much of anything but scroll through pages and pages of their stuff for pictures and headlines from somebody else that might actually be important to us, and well, face it, Facebook, who on Earth cares what the Facebook 1% has for dinner every night and why is that worth anything, let alone hundreds of billions of dollars of public savings in a stock offering?

         Our blogger priced Facebook stock at zero for the IPO, and thinks this Zuckerberg person needs to pay his customers money for all the d#mn trouble he causes them with this stupid thing of his.  

         Anyway, an investment issue has finally come up that we can actually address:  the Crime Families have been pounding FB stock down since the offering, and why aren’t they all going to jail for it?  Morgan Stanley sets the most absurd price it can get away with, and the pack of them know it, and everybody in the mob plays the short side and pounds the price down and down and down right out of the gate.

         It isn’t exactly the first time these goons have pulled this scam.  With them, it’s all about setting an offering price uninformed people with scandalously inadequate information are willing to pay, and then robbing them blind because you made them blind.  With the aftermarket price pounding thrown in, why doesn’t law enforcement ever call this brand of racketeering what it really is: FRAUD?

        Hotshots at the Securities and Excuses Commission belong in the clink too, or did we say that already?