
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

October 18, 2011

A Walk in the Park

    There are no demands yet.  Leadership remains aloof to such mundane matters, lending a refreshingly religious undertone to the nascent moral uprising at Zuccotti Park called Occupy Wall Street.

    This continues to confound the Crime Families.

    Taking their best shot anyway, mob spokesmen are filling the airwaves with accusations.  Marxist agitation is our favorite.  The unemployed, financially plundered, and/or just plain fed-up masses are somehow gathering, all across the globe now, out of committment to, I don’t know, maybe arcane papers basically nobody in the crowd has ever even heard of before, yet alone studied with a zealot's passion. Watching a card-carrying Wall Street stock trader waving around some “Communist leaflet”, huffing and puffing with feigned indignation, had us glued to the Financial Nonsense Channel in spellbound fascination the other afternoon.

    Until he shut up, and we realized where the fool remote had taken us anyway.

    It’s fun watching talking airheads make up stories about demands.  All the network pretty people are doing it.  One guy even has a list, asking everybody who comes on to conjure up reasons for the demonstrations, as if TV is in charge of our news.  That Wall Street hides its racketeering behind a veil of absolute secrecy hasn’t seemed to occur to the airheads yet.  Or else they’re being paid to give organized financial crime a pass there.

    You just know the Dons are throwing huge bucks at Occupy Wall Street, hell bent on toppling it.  Watching the boob tube these days, one gets the feeling that TV people are being coddled like Congressmen right now.

    Media operatives seem to have focused world attention on a trio of themes: disparate and grossly unfair income distribution, bought and paid for politics, and Wall Street prosperity in the midst of an economic collapse on Main Street, a collapse Main Street blames on Wall Street, perpetrated by crooks wangling a way to benefit from the suffering of others through the outright control of Washington‘s regulatory fabric.

    Now if those cameras will just focus a little closer.

    Readers, Crime Family racketeering is the cause of all our misbegotten macro-financial woes.  Has been for way over a century now.  Stop 1) short-selling, 2) coordinated market attacks by all the Wall Street Crime Families acting as one, and 3) proprietary trading, the mob‘s ability to dance around orders that customers are legally bound to show them, and you end mainstream financial crime forever.

    We’ve about given up hope, but it’s still nice to dream that some day someone with clout will get it.