
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

October 27, 2011

Continuing to Tell Us Nothing

    Some study just concluded that a gargantuan redistribution of wealth occurred here over the past 30 years, filling the coffers of the richest 1% about up to the brim with a huge chunk of the action middle class Americans used to have in our national merry-go-round.  Geeze, what a surprise.

    How can the media continue to report on this abomination without citing passage of confiscatory stock option legislation in 1980, effective Jan 1, 1981?  This heinous bill, allowing CEOs and them to skim shareholder savings into their own pockets for the first time in the history of organized crime, accounts for the entire garnishment of wealth cited in the report.

   It's a lot like covering financial racketeering without mention of short-selling, pooling wealth in massive market attacks, and dancing around customer orders by trading against your clients.  Oh, wait a minute.  Talking airheads forget to mention that too.

    There's only one answer to the whole stinking mess.  We need laws making willful journalistic complicity in crimes against savings a capital offense, punishable by lethal waterboarding.

    How much dough you figure media hotshots have pulled down in this stock option caper over the past 3 decades?  Could that have something to do with anything?  Huh?

    You think?