
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

October 2, 2011

Occupy Wall Street

    The small group of protestors taking on Wall Street crime from a nearby overnight encampment has generated publicity-grabbing police action the past two Saturdays, and an ever-growing throng of weekend sympathizers, along with reverberating protests in cities all across the nation, suggests this thing could sprout wings.

    Like all successful Crime Lords, financial Dons have kept the sordid details of their racketeering under wraps, and we marvel at this movement’s tactic of having no specific agenda, the only rational way for anyone who doesn’t read The MacDougal Post to try and bring them down.

    If any of our east coast subscribers happen to venture downtown, or know someone who is, please jot down the link to our website, shown below, on a piece of paper, bring it with, then hunt down a pretty young participant and hand it to her.  From our own confrontationals back in the ‘60’s, we can assure you that this is the quickest way to get stuff to the guys leading any of these deals, and there’s no need to waste your time hanging around trying to figure out who that is.

    If you pick a wholesome blonde with straight hair, preferably ironed, early twenties or late teens, you'll lower the odds of ending up with one of those seasoned communists, or even some creepy anarchist-type grad student, who always have frizzy-curly dark black hair, and the right people will see it within the hour.  A wholesome young stright-haired blonde who smiles a lot.  No scowling.

    Scowlers throw pieces of paper away.

    Tell her to tell the guys to be sure and start at the beginning of the blog.  Where the rackets are first described.  And tell her thanks for us too.  We're all very proud of her and her peeps down here at global headquarters.