
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

October 27, 2011

Continuing to Tell Us Nothing

    Some study just concluded that a gargantuan redistribution of wealth occurred here over the past 30 years, filling the coffers of the richest 1% about up to the brim with a huge chunk of the action middle class Americans used to have in our national merry-go-round.  Geeze, what a surprise.

    How can the media continue to report on this abomination without citing passage of confiscatory stock option legislation in 1980, effective Jan 1, 1981?  This heinous bill, allowing CEOs and them to skim shareholder savings into their own pockets for the first time in the history of organized crime, accounts for the entire garnishment of wealth cited in the report.

   It's a lot like covering financial racketeering without mention of short-selling, pooling wealth in massive market attacks, and dancing around customer orders by trading against your clients.  Oh, wait a minute.  Talking airheads forget to mention that too.

    There's only one answer to the whole stinking mess.  We need laws making willful journalistic complicity in crimes against savings a capital offense, punishable by lethal waterboarding.

    How much dough you figure media hotshots have pulled down in this stock option caper over the past 3 decades?  Could that have something to do with anything?  Huh?

    You think?

October 24, 2011

What 100 Year-Olds Can Teach Us

Antony, 0                 Hamlet, 700                    Othello, 1400
Brutus, 100              Iago, 800                         Pericles, 1500
Coriolanus, 200         Julius, 900                       Quince, 1600
Duncan, 300             Kent, 1000                      Romeo, 1700
Exeter, 400              Lear, 1100                       Shylock, 1800
Falstaff, 500             Macbeth, 1200                 Trolius, 1900
Guildenstern, 600     Northumberland, 1300    Ulysses, 2000

    Listed are twenty men who lived to the ripe old age of 100, plus Ulysses, who is 11.  All were born early on the mornings of January 1 in the years shown.  The 100 year-olds span two millennia, the first twenty centuries after Jesus was born.  Ulysses is thrown in too in case some quibbler wants to quibble about Christ’s birthday because quibbling doesn‘t get you anywhere here.  Ulysses, you don’t see yet, is a member of Trolius’ extended household, which will mean something in a minute.  Hopefully.

    Thing is, when baby Brutus arrived early on the morning of Jan 1, 100, his household then included Antony, who died later, we don’t care when, and at the time Brutus passed away sometime after Jan 1, 200, his household then included baby Coriolanus, born before sunup that New Year’s morning.  In the same way, Exeter’s household included both Duncan and Falstaff.  And so on.

    It’s important that you understand the “so on” here.  Brutus’ extended household of three 100 year-old men lasted 300 years because, well, because they were all 100 year-old men, is what it was.  And like that with the rest of them.

    The  300 year Antony, Brutus, and Coriolanus extended household is Brutus’ for short because Brutus lived with both the others at some time in his life.

    The 300 year Duncan, Exeter, and Falstaff extended household, is Exeter’s for short because Exeter did what Brutus did too, only with his guys and centuries later.

    The 300 year Guildenstern, Hamlet, and Iago extended household is Hamlet‘s for short.  Here’s where the “so on” starts to kick in.

    The 300 year Julius, Kent, and Lear extended household is Kent‘s for short.  Them as well.

    The 300 year Macbeth, Northumberland, and Othello extended household is Northumberland‘s for short despite all those letters in Northumberland‘s name.  More of the same.

    The 300 year Pericles, Quince, and Romeo extended household is Quince‘s for short.  And more and more.

    The 300 year Shylock, Trolius, and Ulysses extended household is Trolius‘ for short.  And more and more and more.

    Now comes the hard part.  Because Exeter’s extended household included a man who was alive at the same time as someone in Brutus’ extended household, if only for the morning of Jan 1, 300, those two being Coriolanus and Duncan, and because Hamlet’s extended household included a man alive at the same time as someone in Exeter’s, namely Falstaff and Guildenstern on New Year‘s morning in 600, and because Kent’s included a man alive at the same time as someone in Hamlet’s, Iago and Julius on Jan 1, 900, and because Northumberland’s included a man alive at the same time as someone in Kent’s, Lear and MacBeth on Jan 1, 1200, and because Quince’s included a man alive at the same time as someone in Northumberland’s, Othello and Pericles on Jan 1, 1500 and because Trolius’ included a man alive at the same time as someone in Quince’s, Romeo and Shylock on Jan 1, 1800 …

    Therefore, the entire 2000 year span of history since the birth of Christianity was actually witnessed by the extended households of only 7 men, Brutus, Exeter, Hamlet, Kent, Northumberland, Quince, and Trolius.  These individuals, together with people who lived with them at one time or another during their lives, saw the whole Christian epoch to date pass by with their own eyes.  Okay, whole epoch to date except for time spent sleeping.

    Forget time spent sleeping.  That has nothing to do with it.  What a ridiculous thing to bring up.

    7 extended households, 7 men and some people they lived with, witnessed two millennia.  So much for the typical take on evolution.  Or progress.  Time simply doesn’t pass quickly enough for much of what we think happens, to happen.  “Modern” man can’t possibly be anything near modern.  “Ancient” man has better toys to play with now, is all.

    As for organized financial crime and bought and paid-for politics, face it, we’re screwed.  Neanderthals are running the show.

    Seems they never went away, is what's been going on with that.

October 18, 2011

A Walk in the Park

    There are no demands yet.  Leadership remains aloof to such mundane matters, lending a refreshingly religious undertone to the nascent moral uprising at Zuccotti Park called Occupy Wall Street.

    This continues to confound the Crime Families.

    Taking their best shot anyway, mob spokesmen are filling the airwaves with accusations.  Marxist agitation is our favorite.  The unemployed, financially plundered, and/or just plain fed-up masses are somehow gathering, all across the globe now, out of committment to, I don’t know, maybe arcane papers basically nobody in the crowd has ever even heard of before, yet alone studied with a zealot's passion. Watching a card-carrying Wall Street stock trader waving around some “Communist leaflet”, huffing and puffing with feigned indignation, had us glued to the Financial Nonsense Channel in spellbound fascination the other afternoon.

    Until he shut up, and we realized where the fool remote had taken us anyway.

    It’s fun watching talking airheads make up stories about demands.  All the network pretty people are doing it.  One guy even has a list, asking everybody who comes on to conjure up reasons for the demonstrations, as if TV is in charge of our news.  That Wall Street hides its racketeering behind a veil of absolute secrecy hasn’t seemed to occur to the airheads yet.  Or else they’re being paid to give organized financial crime a pass there.

    You just know the Dons are throwing huge bucks at Occupy Wall Street, hell bent on toppling it.  Watching the boob tube these days, one gets the feeling that TV people are being coddled like Congressmen right now.

    Media operatives seem to have focused world attention on a trio of themes: disparate and grossly unfair income distribution, bought and paid for politics, and Wall Street prosperity in the midst of an economic collapse on Main Street, a collapse Main Street blames on Wall Street, perpetrated by crooks wangling a way to benefit from the suffering of others through the outright control of Washington‘s regulatory fabric.

    Now if those cameras will just focus a little closer.

    Readers, Crime Family racketeering is the cause of all our misbegotten macro-financial woes.  Has been for way over a century now.  Stop 1) short-selling, 2) coordinated market attacks by all the Wall Street Crime Families acting as one, and 3) proprietary trading, the mob‘s ability to dance around orders that customers are legally bound to show them, and you end mainstream financial crime forever.

    We’ve about given up hope, but it’s still nice to dream that some day someone with clout will get it.

October 6, 2011

Hanging on to Your Proverbials

    The country is not slipping into recession, business leaders agreed today, just growing “slower than we like” as the GE Honcho put it.  “My CEO buds would’ve agreed with Wall Street’s double dip hypothesis“, the MacDougal Post Muckety-Muck added, “but all the nation’s tutti-frutti economists already have jobs down there so nobody else can find anybody who'll forecast stinky economic male cow droppings".

    “We don't see a contraction; we don't see a recession," the Top Dog at FedEx threw in.  "It's steady as you go, slow growth.”

    “Short-selling s0n0f#b!tch Gangland scam artists are trying to sack your savings with the same kind of financial sinkhole calamari they’ve used for more than a century now,” the Post’s main dude pointed out.  “Don’t you go and fall for it.”

    “Dastards’ll have you by the proverbials if you do.”

Whop bop-a-loo-lop-a lop-bam-boom
Tutti frutti, oh Rudy
Tutti frutti, oh Rudy
Tutti frutti, oh Rudy
Tutti frutti, oh Rudy
Tutti frutti, oh Rudy
A-whop-bop-a-loo-lop-a lop-bam-boom

Got a girl named Sue, she knows just what to do
Got a girl named Sue, she knows just what to do
She rock to the east, she rock to the west
But she's the girl that I know best

Tutti frutti, oh Rudy
Tutti frutti, oh Rudy
Tutti frutti, oh Rudy
Tutti frutti, oh Rudy
Tutti frutti, oh Rudy
A-whop-bop-a-loo-lop-a lop-bam-boom

Got a girl named Daisy, she almost drives me crazy
Got a girl named Daisy, she almost drives me crazy
She knows how to love me, yes indeed
Boy, I don't know what you're doin' to me

Tutti frutti, oh Rudy
Tutti frutti, oh Rudy
Tutti frutti, oh Rudy
Tutti frutti, oh Rudy
Tutti frutti, oh Rudy
A-whop-bop-a-loo-lop-a lop-bam-boom

Tutti frutti, oh Rudy
Tutti frutti, oh Rudy
Tutti frutti, oh Rudy
Tutti frutti, oh Rudy
Tutti frutti, oh Rudy
A-whop-bop-a-loo-lop-a lop-bam-boom

Got a girl named Daisy, she almost drives me crazy
Got a girl named Daisy, she almost drives me crazy
She knows how to love me, yes indeed
Boy, I don't know what you're doin' to me

Tutti frutti, oh Rudy
Tutti frutti, oh Rudy
Tutti frutti, oh Rudy
Tutti frutti, oh Rudy
Tutti frutti, oh Rudy
A-whop-bop-a-loo-lop-a lop-bam-boom

        - Little Richard

October 4, 2011

In Case You Missed It

Stockbrokers More Competitive, Willing To Take Risks Than Psychopaths: Study

October 2, 2011

Occupy Wall Street

    The small group of protestors taking on Wall Street crime from a nearby overnight encampment has generated publicity-grabbing police action the past two Saturdays, and an ever-growing throng of weekend sympathizers, along with reverberating protests in cities all across the nation, suggests this thing could sprout wings.

    Like all successful Crime Lords, financial Dons have kept the sordid details of their racketeering under wraps, and we marvel at this movement’s tactic of having no specific agenda, the only rational way for anyone who doesn’t read The MacDougal Post to try and bring them down.

    If any of our east coast subscribers happen to venture downtown, or know someone who is, please jot down the link to our website, shown below, on a piece of paper, bring it with, then hunt down a pretty young participant and hand it to her.  From our own confrontationals back in the ‘60’s, we can assure you that this is the quickest way to get stuff to the guys leading any of these deals, and there’s no need to waste your time hanging around trying to figure out who that is.

    If you pick a wholesome blonde with straight hair, preferably ironed, early twenties or late teens, you'll lower the odds of ending up with one of those seasoned communists, or even some creepy anarchist-type grad student, who always have frizzy-curly dark black hair, and the right people will see it within the hour.  A wholesome young stright-haired blonde who smiles a lot.  No scowling.

    Scowlers throw pieces of paper away.

    Tell her to tell the guys to be sure and start at the beginning of the blog.  Where the rackets are first described.  And tell her thanks for us too.  We're all very proud of her and her peeps down here at global headquarters.