
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

June 4, 2011

Who Ya Gonna Vote for?

    As some money issue related to John Edwards’ love child resurfaces, we find ourselves wondering what purpose voting serves anymore.  Maybe a new kind of Federal Election Commission With Teeth (FECWT) should be established.  One that could turn the FBI, or somebody, loose on every candidate, and just go ahead and appoint whoever comes out reasonably unblemished.  If Washington only has three sitting Congressmen, or whatever, for a couple of years, so be it.  At least we’ll know they’re clean.

    Eerily twin scandals brought on by the ex-Governator from one party/coast and this former U.S. Senator from the other have caused us to rethink our own politics.  Here’s where your blogger’s vote stands today, and the thought process behind it, not to rule out future changes, possibly as early as tomorrow, depending in part on breaking news later tonight.

    We are an Eisenhower Republican.  Probably the last one, judging from the recent historical record.  A proud supporter of the Party of Lincoln, we embraced the induction of Blacks into the armed forces during WWII and forewarned the nation about the evils of Dick Cheney’s military/industrial complex after the fighting stopped.  That Grand Old Party, upended by desegregation, no longer exists anywhere in America, but clinging on anyway means we at least start out Republican, just one who eschews warfare as horrific and understands that military force is only used to destroy an enemy utterly, and then only in response to armed aggression against us.  In the ancient tradition, anything else constitutes murder, and for all our sakes, we can only pray that this isn‘t true in God‘s eye as well.

    And so, turning first to the Democrats, sizing up what’s wrong with them as any loyal Eisenhower Republican must, we find a sitting, at the very least, Muslim-reared President from some kind of Black Power church whose wife’s decades-long anti-White tirade is evidenced by a college paper too damning to be released for public perusal.  Then there’s the Middle East peace debacle. Watching Blatant Umama start talks by taunting Israel with the Islamic demand that her army give up the high ground was the last straw.  We no longer have the stomach to watch America getting blindsided by this anti-Who-We-Are freak show.

    That leaves the modern day Republican to consider.  Here, our gaze falls on Biblically-disoriented Right Wing hate mongers with alternative lifestyle hang-ups.  The long-suffering minority these Godless zealots vilify has to vote Democrat.  For the victims, it’s a life and limb issue.  There simply is no choice.  They get beaten and murdered in every other environment dealt to them.  Anyone in touch with his own humanity keeps their heartless oppression in mind when considering candidates for public office.

    You can’t get away from the arrogant brutality in all of this, bully hounding victim around the governmental schoolyard, because that outrage is going on right inside your own living room.  Night after night after night sometimes.  No wonder so many Americans have stopped watching network news.

    The gay/lesbian culture, nourished by the promise that civil rights legislation can somehow remain in effect for them too, has blossomed for over half a century now, a chillingly tiny window when you consider the context.  History has been doggedly harsh on these citizens, and they have every reason to vote as a block.  More so, perhaps, than any other special interest group.  Their world gets placed on the chopping block by the petulant rhetoric accompanying every contested election.

    And in resonance with that ominous beat, so does ours.  The most obvious lesson from Nazi Germany applies here: who’s next, and what happens when the vitriol finally gets around to me?

    Ignore whatever the theological termites are going on about this time.  Join us or die, is what you need to be hearing.

    Our union friends are weathering a similar storm blowing in from the cold and barren extreme political climes.  The legislated right to collectively bargain, the backbone of our nation’s labor movement for decades now, is currently under attack by the same maniacally wrong-minded cult.  Anyone seeing through gamed-market capitalism far enough to catch the ease of our transition from slavery to wage slavery, pretty much overnight, has to be appalled at this thoughtless initiative, understanding how quickly history would revert to yesteryear should American unions get crushed.  It’s hard to see how incomes, or quality of life, could ever return to pre-financial holocaust levels if the proactive nut jobs garner enough votes, enough no longer being the majority, as Dubyah, bro Jeb, and daddy’s justices showed us not so very long ago.

    The moment you see those old company towns springing up once again, we’re toast.  It was the only intermediate step, one that might be called plantation slavery with paychecks.  Hopelessly grim paychecks followed by all kinds of fees, kickbacks, and company taxes, and a slave master bearing every kind of repressive weapon but a cat o’ nine tails on his hip.

    Management vs. labor is a battle of inane extremes, and balancing that chaotic equation has drawn many an appalled investor back and forth across party lines over the decades.  Today we’ve got to be adamantly anti-management lest those psychopaths drag the demand side of our economy into the depths of a delusional self-immolation before the gods of irrational exploitation once again.

    In her glory days, pretty much everyone in the Old South was broke except your large slaveholder.

    For all these reasons, as well as the millennia of violence, murder, and forced-labor captivity that form such a sinister backdrop to the ecumenically-challenged stone caster agenda, The MacDougal Post cannot in good conscience endorse the way we ourselves intend to vote in the next election, but we’re going to cast our own ballot along the following non-party lines nonetheless: whoever’s in, we’re throwing out.  Incumbent Democrat or incumbent Republican, we don’t care.

    Whoever you are, we do not want you back.  And we’re not waiting around for your love children to show up and prove us right all over again.

    Trashing your lives instead of electing you to trash ours is clearly the only way out.