
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

June 19, 2011

The New York Times

    An article in today’s online edition of this financially oblivious fish wrapper informs us that lawyers and accountants, due to a changed business model structured to maximize partner income, have tossed aside the ethical standards of prior generations and run amuck for a couple of decades now.   Also under question in the same edition are the ethical standards of the Supreme Court, which apparently doesn’t have any.  Written ones anyway.  Justice Thomas seems to be on the loose with that one.

    We wait with baited breath to see if the Times itself will pick up its own story.  The modern business model used in journalism since Jan 1, 1981, maximizes a pilfering of middle class wealth through “stock option” racketeering that has skimmed shareholders’ savings into senior executive pockets, little by little, every single year since then, turning America into the most corrupt banana republic in the history of mankind.

    Near as one can tell, the Times has been spearheading that effort.  And we note that this is apparently the first mention of the lawyer/accountant business model issue in that unethical rag during the couple of decades that this particular criminality has raged.

    It isn't that journalism is part of the problem.  To anyone with a reverent handle on the historic role our media has played in keeping this Plutocracy .... well, let's say afraid of being found out, if never actually honest ....

    Journalism is the problem.