
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

September 18, 2010

The Senator

    As our readers know, storefront barracuda Foolah Malarkey never goes anywhere without her divorce attorney.  Wall Street is a man’s world, and whenever something needs to be done about that, Queezhis knows exactly what that something is and how to go about doing it.

    “Queeshis Nadsoff, Mr. Irving.  Always a pleasure to meet someone of your gender.”

    “(Gulp)”.  That pleasure was all hers, believe me.

    Moments later, The MacDougal Post had hired itself a lobbyist.  Clearly our cause needs legal advocacy of some kind, and who better than a spheroid-busting misandrist?  Having some experience in matters of Holy acrimony, it should come as no surprise to anyone that your blogger would turn to a patricidal maniac when he needed to totally screw somebody over himself.

    And that somebody is the short-seller.

    The racketeer who sells investors a bookkeeping transaction instead of stock, then pays the dividends on those bogus shares himself, completing the deception by representing that this money comes from the company suckers believe they’re investing in.  The Wall Street mob lies for him too, and it isn’t only those bloodsucking thieves who go around spreading arrogant hooey.

    It’s our regulatory hotshots at the SEC.  That’s right, readers, staff at your own Securities and Excuses Commission in Washington, DC knock themselves out trying to explain away WTF is going on here.  WTF has been going on here since the beginning of gamed-market capitalism, so they're well-practiced at it.

    Crime families tell the public to buy a stock because it sells at 53 and its earnings per share (EPS) are $4.00, or whatever, and then get everyone in their wealthy cabal to dump so many phony shares in with real ones that EPS, in effect, drops to $0.04, and our regulatory hotshots obfuscate for them.  It's massive securities fraud, and the SEC sputters on, misinforming everyone about short-selling swindles, letting racketeers get richer and richer purloining our savings this way year after decade after century.

    We were dying to see what Queezhis Nadsoff would grab onto with this one.  Here’s where those busy little grapple hooks went:

    September 16, 2010  Blogger and staff of The MacDougal Post, award-winning and endearingly salacious financial blog are pleased to announce that some Senator from Delaware has been informed of, our cherished website link.  Once the distinguished legislator has perused these posts and the accompanying sidebars, we're confident he'll be motivated to get short-selling banned on Wall Street forever.

    Obviously, any references we may have made to any pervasive corruption by any lying, bribe-snagging Washington pervert/scoundrel politicians in some mob-controlled legislative bodies in our nation’s capitol did not pertain to the Senator.

    We are delighted to welcome him on site.