
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

August 29, 2016


     One often reads that we are passing along the outsized costs of today's government to future generations, but that is wrong.  We are not.  They are, they being members of the American Communist Party, who came out of the closet upon nationalizing the Treasury bond market a while back to keep themselves in power.  Under the former free market system, interest on the burgeoning federal debt would've risen to appropriately outrageous levels, driving voters to send these failed politicians packing.  That free stuff everyone talks about is only free by way of illusionary diversion.  A magic trick.  In reality, investors are already paying a devastating price for it through their loss of secure income from what used to be safe investments before the commies severed government's longstanding pact with the people to conduct its financial affairs responsibly.  The other shoe is scheduled to drop at some point in the future with one humdinger of an economic breakdown, followed by the mother of all Great Depressions.

     We here at The Post feel that these two events will be rolled into one with the simple acknowledgement that our beleaguered nation became The United Communist States of America with the aforementioned nationalization, the transition peacefully consummated some years later with the central bank acquiring 51% of every common stock held in the public arena.

     No runaway inflation.  No market crash.  Simply the total loss of personal freedom.  That will be the economic humdinger, followed by the mother of all Great Depressions: life under communist rule.  It will start with the cessation of all dividend payments, based, of course, on legal stockholder votes, concurrently replaced with deposits of egalitarian amounts from the United States Department of Health and Human Services.  Egalitarian in the sense that single mothers with large numbers of mouths to feed obviously need bigger bank deposits than you.

     No, we are not passing along squat to future generations.  They are.  People, it's long past time to correct anyone who says otherwise.

August 19, 2016

Armed Robbery, Brazilian Style

     A recent incident outside the Olympic Village had four American swimmers handing over their wallets to gunman after three of the boys were ordered down on their knees and demands had been made of a fourth to do so at gunpoint.  The Brazilian government claims this was not a holdup because the gunmen were "security staff" making the boys pay for something they'd broken.  Later, officials took two of the athletes off their flight home and seized their passports to make them say whatever the government wanted them to say before being allowed to leave the country.  A photo-op demonstration was staged at the airport, stooges chanting "liars", when the two walked through the terminal after being released by interrogators.

   Meanwhile, the United States Olympic Committee (USOC) issued a statement apologizing for something, though it wasn't clear what, stating, in part, that "an argument ensued between the athletes and two armed gas station security staff, who displayed their weapons, ordered the athletes from their vehicle and demanded the athletes provide a monetary payment."

     Ignoring whatever precipitated the armed robbery as irrelevant, how is that last part not armed robbery?  We're told this wasn't the only Olympics-related holdup, and are anxiously awaiting an explanation of the laws in Brazil, if any, covering gunmen loose in the streets.

     This story comes at a time when Americans are wondering why we're being screwed through trade agreements all across the globe.  Maybe the day has arrived to pull out of these POS treaties with these POS countries, and the games are just showing us why.

August 11, 2016

Their Current Market Forecasts

     We hate to keep repeating ourselves, but nobody else seems to get it.  Central bankers have successfully nationalized the United States Treasury bond market, and because the commie propaganda machine has been looking the other way, all guruland is pretending like it never happened.

     Do you think our Central Party is going to privatize anything they've gotten their filthy pinko hands on?

     Of course not, and such being the case, we will never see a secular rise in interest rates again.  Since our totalitarian leadership in Washington intends to eliminate the need to ever pay the free market cost of uncontrolled commie spending,  the fraud of calling these obscenities "interest rates" will continue, bringing whatever they really are close to zero, OR LOWER, and keep them there.  As Federal budget deficits are just going to sky higher and higher into the financial stratosphere, any hope that the Trotskyites will return debt financing to a free market arena is laughable.

     That makes large cap, blue chip, dividend-paying stocks the only major public source of long term income that won't screw the income investor over when future maturity dates roll around.  Oh, you can hold T-Bonds for "safety" if you ignore inflation, or as trading vehicles, but the risk involved in considering any long term debt instrument for income has gone off the charts under current Marxist rule.

     Face it, the sector of our stock market that contains the aforementioned issues, as tracked by their own very specific indices such as, for example, the Dow Jones Industrial Average, will have to just keep going up, up, up over time.  The law of (diminishing) supply (through buybacks) and (increasing) demand will make it so.  Price action has been reflecting this "market theme" for a while now, and that's not going to change any time soon.  Ever, if the commies are allowed to run amuck, as the propagandists' treatment of Donald Trump's Presidential campaign suggests they will.

     Valued subscribers, please keep these points in mind when reading any financial forecast that scrolls across your screen.  Without going here, the depressing place we've just shown you, today's fortune teller has no idea what he/she is going on about.

     And, near as we can tell, possibly never will.

August 7, 2016

Our Current Market Forecasts

     The 1% got the bulk of its money by pilfering ownership interest from middle class shareholders through a massive theft of Average Joe's family savings deliberately mislabeled "stock options".  Over the past 36 years and counting, CEO's and them have used these criminal asset seizures to obscenely enrich themselves and pay off politicians for enabling such elicit activities, the pack of them coalescing into the Central Party that now runs Washington.

     More recently, central bankers across the globe have shut down free markets in sovereign bonds pretty much everywhere important as a means of preventing wild-spending politicians from facing the kind of interest rates that would've otherwise driven them from power.

     Today, investors far and wide are confronted with the wealth confiscation tax deliberately mislabeled "negative interest rates".  Under any kind of economic theory that makes sense, actual interest rates stop at zero.  Quoting anything lower than that is simply misdirection - the con artist's way of telling you he's not levying a tax on anyone now suckered into, or required to, pay a tax to park money with some governmental financial arm.

     To the extent that numbnuts everywhere accept the frauds and the fraudulent terms without as much as casting a wary eye at these big time crooks, the world probably deserves what it's getting: totalitarian communist rule.

     None of this could've been foretold, so we at your MacDougal Post have decided to go there to find out where it'll all head next.  Taking into consideration everything we can possibly predict that couldn't possibly be predicted to actually happen as of this point in time, your staff has come up with the following forecast:

     1) neither Donald Trump nor Hillary Clinton will be elected to run the country during the next presidential term; (our best guess: this probably means that Bill Clinton will return to power through the back First Hubby door);

     2) U.S. financial markets will continue to advance broadly for at least 4 more years, dropping interest rates on all investment grade bonds, including corporates, into that wealth confiscation tax zone and lowering dividend yields on blue chip large caps down remarkably closer to zero than the kind of integers the world has gotten accustomed to seeing over our former years of free market capitalism;

     3) China will pull off another statistical hoax convincing the world government propaganda machine that the age of dramatic global economic prosperity has reawakened, and numbers everywhere will start spraying forth in epic growth mode once again.