
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

August 30, 2015

White Deputy's Black Assassin Arrested in Texas

     In discussing the apprehension of Shannon J. Miles in the cold-blooded murder of Deputy Darren H. Goforth while filling up his patrol car at a suburban Houston gas station, Harris County Sheriff Ron Hickman "said the motive for the killing had not been determined but investigators would look at whether Miles, who is black, was motivated by anger over recent killings elsewhere of black men by police that have spawned the Black Lives Matter protest movement."  (As reported by the Associated Press).

     "I think that's something we need to keep an eye on," Hickman said.  "The general climate of that kind of rhetoric can be influential on people who do things like this.  We're still searching to find out if that's actually a motive."

     Left unspoken was the role the Barry Soetoro Administration has played in fomenting black hatred of white policemen from the White House and Injustice Department.  Nobody wants to investigate that.

     "Goforth, 47,was pumping gas Friday night when the gunman approached him from behind and fired multiple shots, continuing to fire after the deputy had fallen to the ground."  (As further reported by the Associated Press).

August 29, 2015

Commander-in-Chief Trump

     Everybody knew about the guy in 11-D.  Guy in 11-D didn't make last month's rent.  Problem was, 11-D told 11-A, and Mrs. Lefkowitz was 11-A.  11-D ran into Mrs. Lefkowitz on her way to the garbage chute and mentioned missing the payment, and this was maybe 7 AM and by 8:15 AM everybody in Sherwood Oaks Apartments knew about it too.  Missing rent is a big deal to people who always make theirs.  A really big deal.

     Mrs. Lefkowitz had social skills, the kind of social skills that have a person banging on your door until you open it, which is what happened to the door at 6-A, ours, and that's how come we found out.  Pretty soon the rest of that floor knew because my mom had social skills too.  Word got around fast that way, Mrs. Lefkowitz knowing which doors to bang on and all. 

     Thing was, Mr. Rubin ended up in the loop right along with everyone else, only Mr. Rubin wasn't one of the tenants at Sherwood Oaks Apartments.  Mr. Rubin was our landlord, and by the time the story reached Mr. Rubin, it wasn't so much about the guy in 11-D getting a little behind on his rent, it was all about how the guy in 11-D was bragging about getting behind on his rent.  Going around bragging, was how Mr. Rubin heard it really.

     By 7 AM the following morning, a pile of furniture was sitting on the front lawn at Sherwood Oaks Apartments, a handwritten vacancy notice had been tacked to the door at 11-D, and these two great big Italian guys were parked outside in a brand-new Cadillac, waiting for three more gorillas to show up.  The guy in 11-D was rumored to be inside the trunk.

     By 8:15 AM, three gorillas and a truck came by for the pile of furniture, and soon things were back to normal at Sherwood Oaks Apartments.  Except for the guy in 11-D anyway.

     Nobody ever heard from the guy in 11-D again.

     Lately, certain uninformed elements in the mainstream commie media have started questioning Donald Trump's credentials to serve the nation as our Commander-in-Chief.  That, valued subscribers, has to be the funniest thing we've heard since Monica Lewinsky's rival for Wet Willy Clinton's aberrant sexual urges in and around the Oval Office announced her intentions to bring that deviate circus back to the White House in 2016.

     People, nobody screws with a New York landlord.  Give The Donald the American military machine, and he'll simply send GI's in to replace whatever the Trump Empire has been using for two Italians and a Cadillac lately, and you have our flat-out guarantee here at The MacDougal Post as New Yorkers, born and raised, that this nation's former might will be restored to its full glory once again, and then some.

     Vote for Trump.  We're damn well going to.

August 26, 2015

Flash Crash 2015

     Reports have it that 1) shares in both General Electric and Pepsi tanked by more than 20% just after the opening bell Monday, and 2) nobody can explain why or how the Dow Jones Industrial Average lost 1,089 points in the accompanying carnage.

     Subscribers, this is just the same old same old.  Deja vu all over again. Short-selling gangbangers dumping fictitious shares into the marketplace in whatever number it takes for these con artists to make your money theirs.  And a Securities and Excuses Commission (SEC) pretending that this isn't criminal activity because the SEC has the power to 1) redefine "fictitious" as "okay with them" and 2) turn a blind eye to gangbanging.  Plus, these days the swindle includes an absence of humans at the point of sale, having been rendered obsolete because using machines that make transactions happen so fast and in such quantity that humans can't control them somehow means we have to remove the human element that would otherwise control them.

     So many people need to go to jail over this that we don't know how to count heads.  We can sure tell you where to start though.  Inside a certain government agency with a three-letter moniker that begins with S and ends in C and has a vowel in the middle that isn't a, i, o, u or sometimes y.

     Everyone working there is assumed to be a crook.

August 20, 2015

What Has the World Come to?

     Just when seasoned market observers were beginning to think that things couldn't possible get worse pretty much anywhere across the globe, the Brits go and announce that pubs there are dying off at the rate of 29 iconic watering holes a week - with no end in sight.  Apparently, MEN IN ENGLAND HAVE STOPPED DRINKING, or are in the midst of doing so.  Forget the Fed's interest rate circus.  Surely this is the catastrophic event that will mark the bottom of our dreadful summer plunge.  

   Or not.  If the Dow doesn't open down by at least hundreds on that kind of devastating news, maybe it never will, and we're destined to live out our days tortured forever by relentless shorts in this never-ending market of a thousand cuts.

August 16, 2015

A Website of Note

     "Bernie Madoff committed the biggest financial crime in history.  He stole $64.8 billion from tens of thousands of innocent people from countries all over the world.  But he did not do this alone.  In fact, he could not have done this alone.  He needed the assistance of a major financial institution and he needed a bank that would conceal his criminal activities."

     So the authors explain why they started, a name chosen to describe "The Unholy Alliance Between America's Biggest Bank and America's Biggest Crook".  Perusal of their work indicates to us that 1) one author, a lawyer, lost all her money in the Madoff swindle and both are trying to 2) drive JP Morgan out of business and 3) send CEO Jamie Dimon to jail.

     It's as good a read as that sounds.  If nothing else, we need to be reminded of all the fraudulent and illegal practices this sorry a$$ criminal enterprise has paid out staggering amounts of fines and settlements for in recent years.  Then there's the part about driving JP Morgan Chase out of business and sending the CEO to jail for a Madoff-class period of time (150 years.  Bernie is scheduled to be released on Nov 14, 2139).

     Here's the link:

August 11, 2015


     From 1915 to 1969, a period including the 1929 Crash and all those Great Depression years, the trading desk at Filch & Finagle never reported a losing month, probably never a losing day.  The Big Five had a cabal going, and it flourished through their ability as "market makers" to get better prices than the counter-parties on every single trade.  Sometimes Filch ripped off Goldberg Stixx customers, sometimes Goldberg took Filch customers to the cleaners.  That way, nobody had to be seen as looting their own.  It was all held together with telephone calls letting cabal dons keep each other in the loop.  World class market manipulation comes with a structural design that really does make it them against us, and the crooks have been paying off the Securities and Excuses Commission to keep the us's of the world in the dark about that since Day One.

     That said, dons loved their little games, like driving short term prices the wrong way on some big news, taking out margin players who actually did the right thing, and then letting long term trends go where they should've been going all along.  Ginormous amounts of money give the unscrupulous all the ammunition they need to pull off terrible things.  And that brings us to the month of August.

     Noticing that a slew of market participants really did leave their desks for August vacations, the bad guys figured it was easier to screw with prices then than at any other time during the year.  Market lore holds that bottoms often, but by no means always, occur in August, and points to the flip side of that as well - the Labor Day turnaround that can lead to that festive Christmas rally.

     We're not making a call here, just saying ....

     If right, nothing beats a timely market prediction, but in times like these, idle dreams can be lovely too.


August 5, 2015

Selected Year-to-Date Murder Rates

     African lion hunted by dentist: 1
     Citizens gunned down by Chicago street thugs: 266
     Christians massacred in worldwide Muslim Jihad: 695
     American babies offed by contract killers*:  648,132**

     Guess which victim was lavished with doting global media attention (hint: he wasn't even human).  Which innocent little victims receive neither funeral services nor obituary notices, let alone any news coverage at all from the Liberal propaganda machine, and haven't since their slaughter became legalized in 1973?

Data compiled for 2015 through August 4.
* Arranged by their own mothers.  Statistical treatment of multiple victims, such as twins, triplets, and the like, is unknown.
** Estimated.  Includes 194,494 through a single organization you are bullied into supporting with tax dollars handed over to godless Washington beasts.

August 4, 2015

The Baby Killers

     According to one estimate, more than 50 million abortions have been performed in the United States since 1973, some 600 thousand of them over the past 7 months alone.  1973 was the year a lawless Supreme Court seized the authority to legalize murder, and decided for godless hedonism in Roe v Wade.  As explained to us by proponents in the Democratic Party, it's a women's health issue.  Apparently, killing their offspring is how moms into debauchery keep themselves in the game.  Republican opponents, noticing the 50 million dead babies, generally counter with %$#@!&*!@#$, %^%#$@, or &*^(#%@$*#%$ or something equally brokenhearted like that.

     Nobody is even allowed to call this baby killing.  Like the term, "nigger", so accurate in its appropriate use that niggers themselves come out with it all the damn time (but not you), politically correct bullies have added "baby killing" to their brutal domain over any illuminative that drags listeners spot-on through the nefarious gutter of Liberal depravity, and will throw a hissy fit if you dare challenge their control of your mouth.  Hot button topics gather bullies who have anger issues like horse shit draws flies, which is the real reason why half the voting population of America won't call a nigger a nigger these days, except to each other, even with the White House we've had the last 6 1/2 years.

     Or a baby killer a baby killer either.

     50 million dead babies.  Given what little we know of the afterlife, coming away from the clutches of that horror all one can do is ask questions.  Like the one that struck us while trying to get to sleep last night:

     50 million dead babies are up in Heaven now.  What happens to all those mutilated souls?