
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

June 18, 2015

Run, Donald, Run

     Donald Trump has announced his Presidential candidacy once again.  That's President of the United States for those of you who are still struggling with the concept.  Anyway, we're intrigued.  Who better to see the country through our impending National Bankruptcy than The Donald?  He'd have no problem stiffing anyone and everyone who holds U.S. debt, and walk away unabashedly, like that's what you're supposed to do, and who knows?  Maybe it is.  Politicians in other countries have been pulling it off for years, Donald, the real estate maggot, at least four times according to the one source we scoped out.

     If Trump's campaign grows enlightened enough to take this looming hyperinflation threat of ours off the table with The Donald's Chapter 11 skills, coupled with a vow to 1) stop paying ethnics welfare blackmail to keep that race from rioting in the streets and 2) replace the dole with broom-ready jobs, The MacDougal Post may well support this seasoned bankrupt's run.