
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

June 24, 2015

An Iceburg Named Globalization

     What should be common understanding, isn't, and that's because of the prevailing trade winds pushing our media accounts far abaft of God's Truth.

     The Ship of State has slammed into a submerged socioeconomic iceburg.

     Her shipwrecked hull lies angled-down, cargo awash belowdecks, holds flooding fast.  Navigated into harm's way by the Left's brilliantly successful attack on the nation's White middle class, first by taking their jobs away, and then with wealth confiscation, as accomplished through a totalitarian central bank 1) seizure of the free market in treasury bonds, emasculating that source of interest income and principal safety in retirement portfolios across the nation, and 2) heavy-handed, corporate earnings-crushing refusal to abate the dollar strength that has cut-blocked actual growth into what comes off as stagnation on the books of major internationals reporting to us in U.S. currency.

   As all this tucks in so snugly with the destructionist policies of Barry Soetoro, which appears to be the real name of the Muslim-reared, Indonesian passport carrying, foreign scholarship student illegally - and inexplicably - still occupying the White House as a shadow Communist hiding his true political affiliation in plain sight, any chance of thwarting the putsch or it's progress in obliterating life as we know it from the face of the American landscape, appears slim, at best, at this time.

     Staff apologizes for our delay in pointing you toward Seeking Alpha and one of the more newsworthy pieces MacDougal has stumbled upon in quite a while: