
........... Recipient of the 2010 MacDougal Irving Prize for Truth in Market Manipulation ...........

May 16, 2014

The London Gold Fix

         If you're born into a big-time Wall Street Crime Family you know for sure that markets are rigged – all of them – and how.  Dads clue us in.  Some of the kids, like MacDougal, are repulsed by financial racketeering.  The lowlifes sign on.

         And so, it comes as no surprise around here to hear that a slew of professional investors dragged big-time bankers at five big-time London banks before judges at the Federal District Court of Manhattan the other day to charge the creeps with gold price manipulation.

         Victimized plaintiffs include gold traders, hedge fund managers, public investors, and private citizens.  The fingered are Crime Lords from Barclays, Scotiabank, Deutsche Bank, HSBC, and Societe Generale.  These dirty rats are accused of collusion stemming from their role as market maker.  A bunch of cases are being consolidated, and more get filed every day as news of the proceedings gets around.

         Coming on the heels of proven Libor price fixing, this action may herald the actual presence of actual law enforcement in the financial arena.  Everybody knows that the price of gold has nothing to do with supply and demand, and never has.  The market here is a complete travesty, that the subject of all kinds of off-the-wall theories, mostly hilarious to those of us in the know, trying to explain away what is actually total corruption at the point where buy order gets matched up with sell order, and the whole damn answer is as simple as that, by cracky.

         During the Libor investigation, it was found that interbank rate perps collected at the same private clubs, lived in the same tony neighborhoods, and even changed jobs at the same banks throughout their careers, giving the pack of them more than ample opportunity to do dirty deeds to interbank rates.  That’s expected to be the case here, and has been cited as an argument in at least one court action.

         We hope the rotten b$st$rds get what’s coming to them, and pray that everybody else wises up.  It’s quite possible that capitalism could actually work some day if the miserable thieving sots running these cons ever got rooted out.